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velo army

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Posts posted by velo army

  1. e Jesus f*ckin wept! Can you guys piss off and form your own thread? I saw this was "hot" with several replies and I thought Gauld had signed for someone.

    It turns out it's just eye-bleeding pish from a few usual suspects, which has continued over multiple pages. 

    Have a wee bit of consideration for the rest of the forum users who don't want to get into a debate over who is bigger, the DABs or f*ckin Killie. That's tinpot as f*ck.

  2. I get a bad reaction to midge bites. I come out in hives for fuckin days. If I scratch them, they flare up so badly that I have to scratch them again, so the cycle persists. 

    If I choose to exercise some serious self control and not scratch them at all, they don't flare up, and they eventually go away quicker too.

    Stop rising to Pep's pish.

  3. Slightly dismayed to read that Hopkin may not stay at Livi. I get that he'll have offers elsewhere, but it just seems hugely unfair that you guys would fight so hard to get up to the Prem, only for the manager and a huge chunk of the playing staff to leave. 

    Is it simply the case that the club didn't budget for the Premier division (f**k naming it "the premiership" by the way) and don't want to risk another plunge into admin by paying premier wages?

  4. Aye the man doesn't seem to have an eye for a player at all, so I'm not sure having him in charge of starting a team from scratch is the best idea.

    Playing "the Partick Thistle way" is just cringeworthy patter. We played nice passing football for about three seasons. Lambie's teams were hardly tic y taca merchants and we'd kill for those days again.

  5. For far too long I've heard Rangers fans be apologists for the disgusting behaviour and songs of the (ahem) minority and of the enabling of such behaviour by the club (orange away strip for the "dutch contingent"...aye right) and I almost admire the requisite mental fortitude as the cognitive dissonance would have given  me an aneurism. It's also long been the opinion of the majority of the rest of Scottish football (outwith the cheeks) that the Rangers support are, as a collective, vile and verminous thugs who are as welcome at your ground as smallpox.

    This is a real opportunity to turn the tide of public opinion in their favour by mobilising to protest this callous treatment of a victim of the worst type of abuse within the club. If a large group of Rangers fans congregated outside the ground with as much rage and indignation as we saw when "the big hoose must stay open" fella had his day, then even the most hardened of ***-haters would have to concede that there were some good c***s in the support.

    Hell, you could do it in partnership with a local charity that helps victims of sexual abuse. Imagine a huge crowd of Rangers fans and young kids standing outside, petitioning the club to honour its obligation to the young players in its care. The Union Bears could even lend them a banner already in use.

    "We deserve better"


  6. Aye he's got a Trump-like tendency to spend too much time on social media while over-reacting to the content. I'm still irked at the way he threw Gauld under a bus after Setubal beat Sporting and then gloated on twitter. Arsehole.

  7. 2 hours ago, Barry Ferguson's Hat said:

    A second-rate Spanish club would hardly be the making of him. If the rumours are true then he should really be holding out for Spurs or Man Utd.

    I'm assuming a whoosh. Well played sir.

  8. I think there has to come a point where he accepts that this move to Portugal hasn't paid off, but I hope he gives it to next season and then makes some sort of decision. If another pre-season with Lisbon/Aves doesn't produce good results and again culminates in him having to try and break into another bottom third team then he surely has to cut loose from Sporting and see that they may only be holding him back. 

    I'd love to see him back in Scotland, mainly because I just want to see good players playing in Scotland. I know that Dindy possibly has his tongue in his cheek, but I reckon that Killie and Steve Clarke might be what Gauld needs.

  9. King seems to be getting off fairly scot free in the media, from what I've seen. Murty can't be expected to work miracles given the complete lack of funds he has to work with. King really needs to provide the funding if he feels (The) Rangers are to challenge Celtic at all. I suspect that the financial criminal is yet another in the long line of utter charlatans who have mismanaged this club.

    Don't get me wrong, it's all hilarious, but I feel sorry for Murty, he's an honest man and deserves better.

  10. In Internet slang, a troll (/trl, trɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topicmessages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll's amusement.

    Found that wee gem in Wikipedia. Now do piss off and leave us tribal philistines to our discussions on whether or not Murty's currants will completely implode come the end of the calendar year.

  11. 15 hours ago, DAVIDB69 said:

    I hope the guy is decent but my main problem is as follows.

    The very low bar we set on relation to what is showing form or being of international quality.

    Think the main issue is he will suddenly become a regular just because he is on the books of Manchester United , irrespective of whether he is even very good.

    Once you get your foot in the scotland squad there is never any factor regards staying there

    You don’t even have to be playing club football to suddenly become a permanent fixture

    He's not merely "on the books" at Man U. He is starting in Champions League games and top level Premiership games ahead of Paul Pogba (when we're talking about hype you want to see how much heid rippin there was over that signing). 

    Also, nobody is suggesting he will become a regular. There's a huge amount of straw-man creation on this thread. The response has been pretty sober. It's great that a player with huge promise has chosen us over England. The difference being that he has chosen. It isn't a case that he just hasn't been called up for England and has opted for us (my main issue with the Granny-rule players), but he didn't even meet with Southgate. People are delighted and encouraged by that. We're hopeful that he'll become a top player. Those in the know are thinking he'll be a top player (Mourinho rates him and trusts him hugely) so you'd forgive us for being massively excited, and we'd surely be allowed that.

    Nobody is massively excited though. We know that he might not kick on and he could end up being utterly average, but we're hopeful he won't be. 

    I know that supporting Scotland has been traumatic over the decades (and I'm a Partick Thistle fan, too, with numerous relegations and being a bawhair from liquidation, so I get it) and that creates a certain cynicism borne of fear. We're afraid that we'll get carried away only to be crushed by disappointment.

    This is especially the case with players. Psychologically we may not have recovered from the 1970's, where we had teams packed with European Cup winners and League champions, and we failed spectacularly and creatively at each of the tournaments we entered. Hell, it could be argued that 1978 left a huge wound which hasn't yet been healed and has left us with a sense that any positive expectations will result in catastrophe. 

  12. Came on to this thread as I thought there was something new about RG, and was quite excited as there was a good page and a half of replies.

    I should have known that most of the replies consisted of one man picking a fight and de-railing the discussion. 

    I ken that moderators check for trolling and abusive posts, but can they also do something about being utterly feckin boring?

    Pep, I genuinely enjoy your contributions to most threads, but you've let yourself down here mate. You're not the only one who spends too much time in schoolboy-level debate, there are others, but you should see that your tendency towards this undermines the quality of your other posts.

    To get it back on track, I too am concerned about Gauld's lack of game time and am still irked at how his spell with Setubal ended. I hope his lack of momentum, not being settled at one club, doesn't harm his development too much.

    I am one of those who wants to see more Scottish footballers playing abroad. I feel that Faddy, for instance,  would have been better served going to Portugal or Holland than the premiership. In these days where freedom of movement in the EU is, for now, easier than ever, it's pretty disappointing when scottish footballers' vision seems to go no further than the channel tunnel. Hopefully the adventures of Henderson, Gauld and, until recently, Burke, are a belated commencement of a trend which will continue.

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