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Everything posted by blanco

  1. It must be a slow night, usually these posts attract greenies like a turd does flies.
  2. Blacks an odious little man and it's probably only by good fortune that one of his many reckless tackles haven't ended some other players career. If anybody's going to be on the end of a career finishing tackle then it really couldn't happen to a nicer individual than Black IMO.
  3. If ever anybody looked like a 3rd division hammer thrower it's that boy.
  4. But where's the sell on potential of Black, nobody want's him for free so they're hardly likely to pay any sort of fee in the future on the strength of having a blinder in the 3rd division.
  5. You can call them whatever you like, but forever more they'll be known as the team that were forcibly closed down for tax evasion on a massive scale and the only reason that there's any sort of clone masquerading as TCFKAR is because some shyster bought the dead clubs assets and is trying to pass them off as "the real mccoy" to the masses.
  6. It was more of an acheivement when he shagged Hazel Irvine IMO, I mean, how the f**k did he managed to get it up for that troll.
  7. I doubt that you'd be able to find one person (orcs excluded of course)who, if offered this very scenario back in february would've declined it, infact you'd likely have got your hand bitten off.
  8. You think so!............well get yourself sat comfortably and well clear of anything you might land on when you fall out of your seat when you read this . My link
  9. It will be a miracle if they get out of the 3rd with a team full of youths IMO, they're likely to be kicked off the park so badly in the first few weeks that the heads will go down and they'll end up mid table.
  10. Good job MJ doesn't think like you or killie would be racing sevco to the foot of the SFL
  11. Unless some benefactor steps forward and bankrolls them they'll be well and truly dead before the seasons out, that's if they even start in the first place
  12. Stewart Gilmour did his best to take the heat off us this week though, eh.
  13. Surely there would be no complaints or any room for legal challenges if promotion was settled via a 2 legged play off.
  14. You'll be making excuses for the orcs behaviour next. Loony leftie forum for this pish.
  15. That's the beauty of the orc, so hellbent on punishing everybody else due to their absence they don't realise that division 3 will kill them faster than Craig Whyte killed TCFKAR. Apparently sevco have sold under 1000 season tickets so far and i doubt there's going to be a massive rush regardless of what league they end up in, and with figures like that it only makes it even more likely that administration looms for the the b*****d offspring of TCFKAR.
  16. If only you'd thrown in a couple of "ARMAGEDDONS" and "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT" quotes then it would've been a goer. Back to "red top rag propaganda 101" class for you.
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