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Posts posted by HeartsOfficialMoaner

  1. 55 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

    On Shankland, I don't actually think it's terribly close between him and Adams. From the start I can't really think of a time id take him over Adams. He just doesn't do enough without the ball, either when we have possession or don't. Adams runs relentlessly trying to move defenders all over the place even when the ball isn't coming his way. 

    Shankland has a place in this squad. If we are behind against Switzerland or Hungary and they are camped, I want Shankland to be the guy sniffing about the 18 yard box. I expect hel be trusted off the bench if we need a goal, but from the start it's Adams for me. 

    Adams makes the runs to give space to McGinn and McTominay so they can score the goals. 

    Shankland isn't going to do that, he is the goalscorer. Shankland can come on to play with Adams not instead of him.

  2. 4 hours ago, Molotov said:

    Been an incredibly moving few days. Watching veterans trying to stand to attention during the Last Post moved me to tears this morning.

    Many family members served in WW1 and WW2. Most never talked about what they witnessed and experienced. 

    I still cherish the medals and service records I have in my possession. Some family members threw the medals in the bin when they arrived as the experience they endured was fcuking brutal. Thankfully other family members recovered them and passed them onto me for safe keeping.

    Sadly there never will be peace in the world while we have corrupt politicians and evil dictators.


    Their stories are hidden away as we get bombarded with the proud of war stuff. These people should never have been put through these nightmare scenarios. Imagine having one life and this is what you are forced to do with it. Fcuk that. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Spyro said:

    I asked for a fish supper in Stirling last week and it felt like one of they old movies. The young lass just looked blankly through me and just saw the eyes of the 2 older guys on the fryer looking up like I was from a different planet! Asked again and one of the guys took over like I was some nutter he had to protect her from. Apart from being dear as f**k, it was actually pretty decent tbf

    When I go into my local chippy I ask for fish n chips and the woman always corrects me and says fish supper. I stopped asking for fish suppers because it always came out like chip supper and I sounded a right divvy.

  4. On 03/06/2024 at 21:10, GallowayBlue said:

    Anyone else bought from Ticombo?

    I guess too early to be getting nervous but the sooner the tickets arrive the better I'll feel!

    My mate has his Ticombo tickets for Scotland v Switzerland. Has email from UEFA as well saying the tickets are now in his name.

  5. 2 hours ago, Zetterlund said:

    As a self-employed tradesman I am not a fan of the LEZs. It seems like an obvious no-brainer to me that commercial vehicles should be exempt, as we're all just trying to do a job while keeping costs down for ourselves and customers.

    All the LEZ is doing is forcing people to buy unnecessary new vehicles, often by going into debt. In my case I've probably only worked in the Dundee LEZ area 2 or 3 times in 2 years since I started working for myself, but I don't like the idea of having to turn down work because my perfectly good and paid-off van isn't compliant. The alternative is to spend circa 20 grand or 400 a month on a new one, costs which will need to be passed on.

    It just feels like yet another obstacle needlessly placed in the path of trying to run a small business.

    You are shopping in the wrong place. I am a sole trader as well. I bought my motor for £2,200, I have spent over a grand on it since but it is LEZ compliant.

    LEZ is a farce. You have to have a right heap of shit if your motor is worse than mine. 




  6. 1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Doak will have been viewed as a striking option. Where else did you think Clarke viewed him as playing when he called him up?

    Almost all his u21 games have been there too.

    IMO we'll be starting with one up front in every game, so two senior strikers and a wildcard feels right when you've suffered a major injury. Conway or Doak is the decision IMO, and for me Doak would be better suited to trying to change a game late on.

    And Conway is better for set pieces. He is quite tall. 

  7. 5 hours ago, tinkerbelle said:


    popped her clogs and her will stated that the 4 of us kids would inherit the house and all the money and investments that she had. But she had added extra stipulations… The 2 girls would get 10 grand extra each because us 2 boys would get the family business. It turned out that she had taken out an undisclosed loan against the business of 20 grand that us 2 boys ended up liable for. The girls blanked the debt completely.. It really is true that money does change people.

    She took £20,000 out the business to give that to your sisters. So, that is them getting their share of the business? You and your brother get to keep the family business?

  8. 11 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:

    Councils don't pay for pensions out of revenue budgets they have pension investment funds.

    Employee contribution pensions are wages deferred.

    You seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that these are the London congestion charge.

    They are about improving air quality in high traffic (vehicular and pedestrian) areas which is why the vehicle emissions are the relevant factor and its not a blanket city entry charge.

    It was something that I heard or thought I heard on the radio, I might have picked him up wrong but I don't think I did.

    If they want to tackle the pollution problem they have to take the zone right out to Corstorphine, out to Queensferry Rd and also down to Ferry Rd and on to Seafield Rd. The zone they have is tiny.

  9. 1 minute ago, gannonball said:

    Councils are skint and it helps reclaim city centres for pedestrians and make it healthier in the process. The pros vastly outweigh the cons.

    John Beattie mentioned this on Radio Scotland. Councils have to raise money for their pensions. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, MazzyStar said:

    Motorists could simply buy vehicles that comply with the regulations. 

    Yep, it doesn't get rid of the congestion though. Edinburgh traffic is at a standstill all over the place. It is really stressful. It is like they are making it difficult on purpose.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Empty It said:

    Just another congestion creating exercise from Edinburgh Council, seems like all they get up to nowadays is fucking up the roads.


    Their actions do create congestion. They want to make it difficult to get from point A to point B.

    I am a tradesperson and driving though Edinburgh everyday. I pay a little under £150 a month to park here.  My council tax is lower than that.

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