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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. That'll be Jean Michel Jarre on the list now. http://grooveshark.com/#!/album/Oxygen/4276785
  2. Normal "business" procedure for a lot of companies. If the little guy who is the supplier goes bust while waiting for his money then they don't have to pay. Stinks, of course, but that's business.
  3. Actually,this bit, (viii) The interest element was designed to be rolled up indefinitely, to remain as a ‘paper’ debt and to augment the overall indebtedness of the employees’ estates, thereby conferring a bigger reduction against inheritance tax.” sounds to the layman (me) the sort of perfectly "legal' thing that tax dodgers get up to. Time will tell. Still 'cheating' from astrictly football point of view. Hey! Strictly football? Good tv series of a bunch of B celebs getting their legs kicked every week.
  4. I was looking at the orcmedia response to the HMRC appeal and noticed that Lord Nimmo didn't seem to be too popular with a few posters. I thought he was one of the good guys in the orc mind. Have I missed something? I must admit to not following this saga too closely of late.
  5. And Ally will be replaced by which competent manager who wants to work in the lower reaches of Scottish football? No offence.
  6. So this would be under UK law. IF Scotland votes for independence, then it won't be part of the UK. They would have to use European law............no, wait, Scotland won't be part of the EU if it becomes independent. What would be the timescale for suing the FA? No orc vote for independence then. (no change there)
  7. A good example of cognitive dissonance. We see a lot of it from fans the new, plastic, rangers int.
  8. From the Peterhead thread on Orcmedia Seems one of them is easily pleased. He should enjoy playing the same teams next season.
  9. An Audience with footballing legend Henrik Larsson - Of Celtic, Manchester United , Barcelona and Sweden fame. ONE ex-Celtic (and others) player. Quin's paranoid. I thought it was supposed to be Celtic fans who were paranoid. The The Rangers International FC fans are the new Celtic fans.
  10. I imagine that the board of The Rangers International FC will do the same in the near future
  11. Repost after reconsidering. On day one the price will only fall sharply if there is a lot of selling. I don't think that will happen. I would predict 55 to 65 pence at close. Over the next few months my prediction is 37 pence.
  12. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=243977 That'll be the Financial Times on 'The List'.
  13. I'd be surprised if that is actually from a supporter of The Rangers International FC. It seems more like a subterfuge by someone who has dressed it up in order to get the Orcs to read it. They are less likely to pay attention to something that comes from a "hater". It's a bit like disguising a disliked foodstuff so that a child will swallow it. I have tried reading the prospectus but keep coming up against legal/business/commercial jargon that I don't understand. For instance "7. Property and environment 7.1 The following properties are the principal properties occupied by the RFCL Group and which on.........." Does "occupied by" mean "owned by"? I used to occupy a council flat, I didn't own it. I smell shite and I'm not alone.
  14. Seems that some are trying to re-write history. This from the BBC on 4th July 2012 Rangers newco refused SPL entry after chairmen vote Rangers will not play in the Scottish Premier League this season. SPL chairmen met at Hampden to vote on the new club's application to replace the old Rangers in the top flight.
  15. Of course fans can boycott whatever they want to. They pays their money and makes their choice. However for a club or club representative to instigate or recommend such a thing is unacceptable. I think Chuckie could be in for another 'disrepute' charge. Anyone who knows the origin of the word 'boycott' will realise that it is already a "Timmy" word . Surprised the horcs are husing hit.
  16. Bendy's opinion of other Scottish football fans and the teams that they follow is not very high. Basically he thinks they are rubbish. However he also thinks that the team he used to support were wonderful because they managed to beat these 'useless' teams more often than not. Not really much of a claim to greatness, is it? Anyhoo, Rangers are deid and it won't be long before The Clones are too. (Typed with bitterness and bile after the Jags' exit from the cup.)
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