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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. I used the fast forward feature to cut out the real eejits, still difficult to bear. (ha) Listened to a bit of today's show. One guy thinks adding flavoured syrup to a bottle of fizzy water is TOO COMPLICATED. I won't be tuning in again unless it's to hear wailing and gnashing of teeth (or gums).
  2. Sorry. Gave it a few minutes and had to chuck it. Retards with an inflated sense of their position in the football world and life in general. eta I did like the pronunciation of "The Blue Knights" as "Balloonites". Very apt. eta again The Orcs are trying to organise a boycott of SPL clubs in the League Cup. Possible response could be " You don't like us, we don't care, f**k off." Given their 'history', if the Sevco chaps knew the origin of the word 'boycott' , they wouldn't be so keen to bandy it about, methinks.
  3. It's funny the way they seek out certain pics to suit the "mood" of the article. Not. http://local.stv.tv/...lared-bankrupt/ http://local.stv.tv/...-court-seizure/ eta latest. Cannae keep up. http://local.stv.tv/glasgow/193148-lawyers-of-ex-rangers-owner-craig-whyte-withdraw-bid-to-bankrupt-him/
  4. Whatever happened to "No-one likes us, we don't care" ? They seem to care rather a lot. Wouldn't be anything to do with being a wee diddy club. Would it?
  5. Mr Bendar STILL doesn't get that his club is a diddy club. Embrace the diddiness, it's not going away anytime soon.
  6. They'll be claiming it as a record soon , and singing songs about it no doubt.
  7. Point understood, Zurcher (I think) but when I read the OP I thought he meant Murray could have made payments on behalf of players. Could the players themselves not have paid one pound per year back in order to maintain the illusion of a loan? Just asking. eta I'm sure that most P&B'ers will wish me a happy birthday today and that my birthday month of October is chock full of interesting and happy news!
  8. I was going to make some cheap jibe about leaving the Simpsons out of it., then realised that was who Bendar meant. Silly me for first thinking of the author of The Iliad. Sevco fans, wtf are they like?
  9. There is already a point and laugh thread and a Two Cheeks thread. This thread has become just like them.
  10. Historically, on here, is this type of bet ever honoured? Just asking. I hope you both licked your thumbs. Bet ye, bet ye.
  11. It seems Liverpool is the single 'N' You have just got them confused. Bet you're not young.
  12. Noticed the figures for legal/admin costs. Only one set of winners in this debacle. A reminder to avoid litigation whenever possible.
  13. You have a valid point. The thread has deteriorated. This can be put down to lately arrived posters, like myself, who are only here to point and laugh, and posters like the Frog and his pals who engage in false triumphalism and trolling. However, the thread should not be closed since the story has months to run, perhaps years in the legal area. I have read over the first few pages and there are many insightful posts from people who are now absent from this thread, which may tell us something. Maybe it's time to simply use the "Let's all laugh at Rangers" thread, courtesy of cimex, and restrict ourselves from posting on this one unless we have salient information. Right, I'm off to cimex's thread. Hope I'm back here soon eta to correct errors
  14. Mods! Mods! Ban this cvnt! And Leggo still thinks Sevco were thrown out of the SPL http://leggoland2.blogspot.fr/ Don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it don't get it.................................................................
  15. Is that to prevent a song or chants involving the name? Alphabet soup will do. Also It would appear that some of the noobs on here think that the Big Admin thread is a thread started by Oldcorangers fans, to be addressed only by Newcorangers fans . Trying to correct this erroneous viewpoint would be taxing in the extreme as there is an almost limitless supply of the feckers (in practical terms) to hop up here, one after the other, spouting their pish. I am no advocate of banning posters and inhibiting honest debate but if we are just going to get spammers, trolls and fuckwits then maybe the 'report' button will have to be used. Judiciously, of course and with reasoned explanation of why, not just a cry of 'Mods! Mods! Ban this cvnt!' , as happens on some other forums.
  16. Likes talking about himself and other posters rather than his team and lapsing into orcspeak, except that there are not enough expletives or religious insults. Could visit FF for lessons. Now I have responded after saying 'Don't feed the troll' . Never again.
  17. I found him/her irritating but only in the way a barking dog is and won't listen to reason because it is literally too stupid. However I agree he should not have been banned. (if indeed he was). I got banned from FF after just 4 posts and I was only giving some honest criticsm. They called me Declan, the hurtful b*****ds.
  18. I know the phrase 'they just don't get it' is used a lot but it is true. The team you follow is in the diddiest of diddy divisions in what, unfortunately, is a diddy league. So that makes your club a diddy club. Embrace it, while you can.
  19. Bloody hell, HTG, you'll get 'scone' in the swear box now. How will we all swap recipes?
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