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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Over on the Sevco v East Fife thread, dirtydave posted an attendance of 50,411 BEFORE the official attendance was announced. That seems very precise to be an estimate. I'd like to know his source since, according to eye witnesses, it seems more credible than the 38,000 figure.
  2. Err, I think you're supposed to say " FORFAR TIL I DIE ! " nowadays . Even the 3rd div fans are doing it.
  3. I was out. I do have a life you know. Now remedied. Well, the follow up, it was better.
  4. DhenBhoy, ol' pal, if rangers have the most entertaining website, surely you wouldn't want to deny them their just reward? Next thing you'll be wanting a cut of their site revenue. If the visiting fans want to pay their money, that's their prerogative. It"ll be socialist website visiting next................................ (it's only the most entertaining in a horror movie type way)
  5. After they pay it back (aye, right) they won't see it again. It was a loan. Technically they worked in exchange for a loan. Is that legal? Who mentioned the Truck Act a while ago?
  6. I favour January. Any chance of a sweepstake? Day and month, 100 greenies to the winner?
  7. I know it won't happen since the SPL WANTS them back, but their suspension could be deferred until they qualify for the SPL, then be applied. Sounds fair to me.
  8. Sssssshhh! If you delete yours, I'll delete this. So, Craig's saying "If you want to play for Scotland, I'm not telling you where to play your football (but I'm saying DON'T play it in the 3rd Division in Scotland)" That's Craig on the "list" now;
  9. Shame Private Eye's poet in residence is E J Thribb and not E B Thribb Humorous avenue closed off.
  10. Leggo Now he really has lost the plot. The more thieves, criminals, liars, cheats, fraudsters, robbers, conmen, fakes, gangsters, weasels, bandits, crooks, felons, shysters , double dealing, two faced charlatans and out and out c***s who get involved, the better. imo.
  11. What has he been doing these last few months? Shredding, erasing, eradicating, re-writing, bribing, calling in favours, covering up? Legs of tin, suit of Teflon.
  12. Itwiznaeme , you could change your name to 'lestweforget'. Power to yer fingers.
  13. Classic "whataboutery" at the end. The legal fraternity will not take kindly to one of their own being impugned. If it gets shifted to another firm I'm sure they will act with utmost impartiality. As will Harper McLeod.
  14. Thanks! Changed it from London to Paris and it worked. Now shows UK time. Don't understand why it was 2 hours out , when it thought I was in London though.
  15. Off topic but may as well ask here as I got no response from admin. I see the clock on this site is one hour out. I was on the Jags site and it's the same. Do they share the same server I wonder. Anyone notice the same thing elsewhere? (I know the UK is an hour behind France, it's 2 hours on here)
  16. C*n*dian Tim b*****dS! If their damn mhaple leaf was rounded instead of pointy at the ends and if it was green instead of red , it would be just like a shamrock!!!! Bloody lhumberjacks. TIMber!. QUEERbec! It's a conspiracy! Hope someone tells them to 'dress down' for Tuesday.
  17. If it wasn't for people like him we wouldn't have jobs, don't forget. He is a wealth creator. His taxes pay for schools and hospitals...............oh you've heard all the shite. Why is the law structured in such a way that these cnuts can exploit anyone and anything? You are correct, it's not fair. Some smart arse would say LIFE isn't fair but we have it in our power to even up the playing field a bit. Unfortunately one vote every 5 years isn't enough. I don't want to get political but football diverts some people's energies away from more important things. ( I know, life or death etc) That's not in any way a criticism of fitba' fans since I'm one myself but if we paid half as much attention to our political representatives maybe life in general could be better. Sorry, rant over. Sunday morning, sore heid, grumpy.
  18. The new rangers crushed Brechin Dynamo 2-1 AET. Sally got his suit soaked. Spiderhun climbed a floodlight pylon. Green accused various people of bigotry. Nobody's seen Bomber. Boca, Edu gone, Goian going. Beattie not coming. Traynor says they will be in the top flight next season. Dundee got the SPL share. TCFKAR still on conditional membership. McGregor away to Turkey for a gobble (Div joke on radio).5 arrests for singing. Read the thread you lazy holidaymaking person. North east rural France?
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