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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Where IS StephanieBarr? eta Here's another name for the Orcs to add to their list. Hope they've got a pencil sharpener 'cos it's going to be a long one.
  2. If a business called 'Rangers' was kicked out for financial impropriety and a 'new' business calling themselves , err, 'Rangers' tries to get (back) in then I don't give them much of a chance. Not without sanctions.................. Concerning the TV deal. The BBC site says no financial details are available. I don't see why Cock&Law would not have held out for at least the agreed deal and possibly even more, because let's face it, the Orcs will continue to watch their team and other viewers, like me, will probably watch hoping to see them fail. Whereas I would not have been interested before and I'm sure I'm not the only one. You could even say I'm OBSESSED So, more viewers, not fewer. I won't subscribe though, just visit my mate's house more often.
  3. Not 'fixed'; just 'changed' 'cos they are indeed c***s. c***s c***s c***s c***s cuuuunts total cuunts Cuuuuunts total c***s Would you like some spam with your cuuunts? c***s and chips? Viking c***s, ****!
  4. No-one can remind you because no-one {outside of the tax office) knows. Where is Doctor Heidi Poon? We should be told!
  5. I'm really in favour of "cleaning up" football but we seem to be throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The above rules would appear to ban the "Jimmy Hill" tribute and also ban any whistling of a national anthem. Or letting a female prime minister know she was unwelcome. So much for free speech. Or free whistling. As someone said somewhere else on this site, going to a football match will be like going to the cinema. These b*****ds have spoiled it for everyone. eta I see the RTC blog has finished. I thought he had some revelation to make. Looks like he will be keeping it to himself.
  6. It cut off on me once but I just started again and got it for 2 hours. IT'S NOT AN ORANGE PAYPAL CONSPIRACY. eta ..overload on server sounds right, I listened this afternoon. ..........and it's cyDer -hic- theng you.
  7. WHIT? This has gone too far. People are taking leave of their senses never mind eye off the ball.
  8. Off the ball is available on bbc Iplayer http://www.bbc.co.uk...yer/radio/a-z/o uncut complete with Div's risque joke. I was able to listen to it from here in France. eta typo
  9. Ha ha. Read this and took ages to realise that you do not have your own personal public address sytem.
  10. "I'm not intelligent enough for all this legal stuff" Basically saying "I'm a thick oldstyle rangers supporter and I'm not going to listen to anything or read anything that might explain the situation to me because then I would have to admit that my attitude is wrong" Head in the sand. eta my link stopped also, I just started again. eta again. Div's knob joke wasn't edited out.
  11. Aw. Nobody spotted the 'countdown' page. 3-2-1-Zero I don't think this thread will see another...................................
  12. Actually there are two answers. 1 There aren't many ( yes, I feel that I spelled that correctly) 2 They are just as afraid to say anything (at close range) as you or I would be.(well me anyway) FACT!
  13. Newco, Sevco, The Zombie Rangers, whatever, the midget killers win through to the next round. Will their luck hold? Will they have a licence? Will they have a manager? Who can tell? Tune in again for the next thrilling instalment, entitled, WATP - We're away to Peterhead. (copyright sumdyelse) eta Oops! We're At home To east fife P .
  14. Good time to score a goal. Bad tme to lose one. What's that in Gaelic? eta just realised posting in wrong thread. Relocating to diddy domestic cup competitions
  15. This is the Ramsdens cup so I presume the team playing in the blue jerseys don't need fizzy drink patches on their sleeves. I also presume that Brechin don't actually have jerseys without patches. Why are they kicking an Irn Bru ball? Just asking, from a sponsor's point of view.
  16. Boring. Could he not miss a day now and then? Or just put "see yesterday's rant "? I never did receive a reply to my email to Lego concerning bringing their brand into disrepute. They have loftier ideals than I do.
  17. Grrr. I'll be back at full time on Sunday. Have a good weekend all. Cheerio
  18. Was that your auntie? eta sorry, very lame. Does anyone know what is actually happening just now? I mean, are they sitting at a desk repeating "Yes you will" "No we won't' For 8 hours?
  19. Orcs pleased they are back on SFL site. Orcs unhappy about name. THE rangers Orcs v. unhappy thet 2010-2011 title missing. Looks like webmaster just did a reboot from an old disk and changed the name. Also shows founded 1873.
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