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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Saying that bigwigs having superiority over ordinary folk is perfectly acceptable. Cretin.
  2. Thanks. I used the link I saved last time and got the golf, which is on MW apparently. The golf is also on Sky radio scotland. Sky is usually the FM transmission I think I'm confused but I've got the programme.
  3. This tweet on bbc James O'Hara: "It's backfired for Neil Doncaster & Stewart Regan. Why didn't they just penalise Rangers all their points and relegate them? Roll on D3" Would I be correct in thinking that if this had indeed been done, i.e. punished the oldco back in February by relegation to Div1, then Charlie would be sitting pretty in SFL1 with all his players? I hope so, 'cos it makes it all even funnier.
  4. I think taking legal action is frowned upon............... CAS is another option. Maybe you meant that. Seriously though, were any clubs considering application before this shitstorm?
  5. Not to mention defeats by the Jags and the Spiders. Oops! Just mentioned it.
  6. Hee hee. You'll have a seizure, Granny, if any more of we nervous nellies post on here.
  7. Harsh. Cracks in the diddy alliance. Oh well , business as usual. Maybe that's a good sign.
  8. I have finally caught up with the end of the thread and things seem to have gone quiet. Good. Time for bed. With some reservations, a good Friday 13th.
  9. .I understand your attitude to doom mongers and nay-sayers but even Alex Thomson thinks it's not over and he is closer to the action than I am. I sincerely hope you are right Granny. It's not ALL champagne and cheese over here. Our little one donkey village lost it's café bar last year. I love coming back to Glasgow on visits in the winter, when the weather is FUCKING PREDICTABLE, and going to pubs and restos and occasional match. There is no Utopia. Except Firhill in 5 years time when the Jags retain the CL trophy. There ye go, fitba' hyperbole, that's what we want. Excuse my ramblings, bit pished.
  10. What institution would risk lending money to this outfit? Unless the 'consortium' comes up with some cash, unless the whole shebang is sold to someone else, unless Green wins Euromillions, (now that would be a bugger) then Sevco is finished. I'm normally happy to be proved wrong but in this case I won't be. Happy, that is.
  11. Not true as far as I've seen. No set term exists.. If changes are attempted it all comes down to legal/union argument. One case was won, by employee, after two years.
  12. I'm drinking Champagne! Before anyone goes Eeeooowwww! , it's from Lidl, 9.99 euros. Not the best but it'll do for the hums. Cheers!
  13. May I suggest Freesat? You can watch any regional programme. Sorry if this is unacceptable for any reason. I upset GrannyDanger earlier and i'm not sure why.
  14. REgan and Doncaster are despised on this forum and on Sevco forums and on Celtic forums. Can anyone explain this?
  15. No they're not! It's not rangerz! It's not rangerz! We can't have it both ways. Much as we'd like it
  16. I know. Sevco cannot and have not been punished. They have done no wrong. In fact they have been rewarded with admission to the SFL 3rd with no team, or team name for that matter, no accounts, no history etc, etc. and possibly to the detriment of Spartans, Cove. Old rangers were punished by a 10 point deduction. In effect, that was ALL they got. How many times does this have to be repeated? Really?
  17. On a public forum you are talking to everyone. You are obviously one of the 14 year old knuckledraggers.
  18. Regan, Doncaster, Longmuir. R D L Rangers Defence League It all becomes clearer............ Now it's D R L Diddyfans Rollaboot Laffin'.
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