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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. My original post was in reference to 1860 Munich FC , whose history is related to the 1848 ones. Is this an area of interest to you?
  2. I liked the humorous analogy from a guy on the radio. He likened the 'no confidence' diversion to one of those stupid car chases in an American film. The car in front swerves of the road, goes through a barn, chickens and bits of wood everywhere, then when they get back on the road, the car chasing is still there. No change.
  3. Google 'German Revolutions'. Unsurprisingly, I was ignorant of them.
  4. They might put a brush up her arse, to do domething useful on the way out , silly twat.
  5. If it wasn't so incredibly far-fetched, someone could claim that this was the plan from the day after the referendum, from duplicitous politicians. i.e. Appear to try to give the people what they 'democratically' voted for (almost) but at the end fail to do so and stay IN (because it was always the sensible thing to do). BTW I am NOT the 'someone', but it's all so surreal that loony conspiracists can have a field day.
  6. There's a saying, Never try to argue with an idiot, he'll drag you down to his level and win through experience.
  7. One twat said he voted leave to keep out the "Pakis".
  8. I was reading about 1860Munich, (the oldest football club in the world, allegedly) and came across this concerning the German Revolutions. "The middle-class elements were committed to liberal principles, while the working class sought radical improvements to their working and living conditions. As the middle class and working class components of the Revolution split, the conservative aristocracy defeated it." What goes around...
  9. Hmm, I find his use of 'chump' at the end of sentences vaguely familiar but can't put my finger on it.
  10. There appeared to be no regional news on the BBC this morning. Or sports news. I realise it's an important issue but 5 minutes away from Downing fuckingStreet wouldn't hurt.
  11. Not if it's overturned by another democratic vote. How about 20 million to 17million 'remain'. That would do. Democracy didn't stop in 2016. Although it feels lke it.
  12. Nah. I'm in France at the moment. Plenty of foie gras for my toast. Shortage of yellow semmits, though.
  13. Daily Fail has the answer:- Christmas post may arrive late by MYRANDA MOWAFI Christmas mail deliveries will be severely disrupted ...
  14. If that did happen then IndyRef2 would be a nailed-on certainty Only if the British prime minister allowed it...who in this scenario would be Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson. Woja think?
  15. I supect a whole host of unexpected obstacles would arise. Perfidious Albion.
  16. It seems anyone can change his or her mind...except the electorate. I honestly can't see why another referendum is being ruled out. (except of course by the diehard, staunch, self-promoting europhobes who know they would lose. Oh, and the terminally stupid.)
  17. I'm giving up on Rangers Media. It's got boring. They have accepted that their team is shite.
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