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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. If the Unionists believe that getting rid of a 'controlling inluence' i.e. the EU, is a 'good thing', (and the majority seem to) then they surely must be in favour of Scotland doing a similar thing and jettisoning the UK. I'm not saying it's a good or bad thing, just that it would be consistent with their attitude.
  2. The same party that allowed the Conservatives into power in 2010. Typical Tory perfidiousness.
  3. You do know that salt renders the soil unsuitable for growing stuff, don't you WR? #gardenersquestiontimebetterthanpmq
  4. Those NASTY Europeans are at it again. No doubt the Dire Daily papers will put an anti-EU spin on it.
  5. Brilliant! I do hope that's real but I'm glad we have gun control. I also get the feeling there is more than just 'football' in the caller's mind.
  6. You're right! I doubted you and checked. 'wreak' is a verb and apparently is never , eh, 'nounized'.
  7. The unbiased BBC has just shown the 'mornng's headlines' featuring ONLY the Daily Torygraph, The Daily Sexpress, The Daily Fail and the Sore -away Sun. Nothing from ANY other paper. And the quitters think it's biased toward remain.
  8. I thought so at first but apparently not... We could say 'facsimile' but that's just Kinkyantry pedantry mirror image noun [ C ] UK /ˌmɪr.ər ˈɪm.ɪdʒ/ US /ˌmɪr.ɚ ˈɪm.ɪdʒ/ a person or object that is very similar to another: The current economic situation is a mirror image of the situation just a few years ago.
  9. I know one who moved to Clydebank then became a Jags supporter before they almost went under. Wish he'd find religion and support one of the sisters. ETA I read this on the Bury site from their chairman. Not terribly well written, probably cant afford a secretary. https://www.buryfc.co.uk/news/2019/august/chairmans-statement/
  10. Well done. Off topic but the BBC has recently been subject to interference in its reporting on other, non-football related, matters IMO.
  11. Stevie Gee, the hero, getting it in the neck on Meeja. Fickle fans.
  12. Like using a suicide vest? Yes, that'll work every time.
  13. What if the harm is terminal? What if there is no better deal? It is madness to commit to a 'strategy' like this. Hey ho, we will see, eventually. If I am proved incorrect in my view that ANY form of brexit will be bad for most people, then I will come on here and eat humble pie. It has already had an adverse effect on my life, so I believe I will go hungry on the pie front.
  14. No he doesn't, he wants a deal and he's pushing MPs and EU into a corner with the no deal threat. It amazes me how stupid people are.... No point in threatening someone with something that is going to harm yourself. Or do you actually believe that a no-deal UK will be a land of success and pleasant living conditions for all? Do you?
  15. He was also shown on the BBC news stating "the people voted overwhelmingly to leave the EU". 4% is not an overwhelm. Farage himself said he would not accept a 4% margin. Johnson cannot open his mouth without a big fat lie falling out. Very like the Trumpet. I am seriously galled.
  16. The likes of Mogg and Banks et al want brexit because proposed EU legislation would eventually cause them to have to pay tax in the UK on the money they make through their 'businesses' which are headquartered in 'tax free' regions and cloaked in secrecy. This is really what brexit is all about.
  17. I imagine there will be an avalanche of posts on a certain webshite condemning this alleged behaviour. Not.
  18. Agreed. The loony tendency are mostly amongst the leavers. (MP killers?) The whole point ,IMO, is that the remain side mostly contains the calm, sensible and more knowledgable element, who will not engage in street violence. There may be other ways in which they could fvck up the system as a protest but I think we (remainers AND leavers) are fvcked unless a VONC succeeds. The future looks bleak with twats like Mogg, Johnson, Pattel (...oh what's the point of listing them all) , in charge and assisted by the likes of Banks, Farage, etc. The UK is doomed. Man the lifeboats.
  19. The UK government has a lot of experience in the partition thing. Usually ends up as a right mess.
  20. Last one was a 'batten'. This one is a fragile soul. Ukip’s new leader, Richard Braine, has said he is “getting a bit fed up” with people making fun of his name. Gerard Batten’s successor, who was elected to lead the right-wing party last week, described jokes referring to him as “Dick Braine” as “bullying”. And a quote from the new man, "Tommy Robinson is not a racist or extremist"
  21. His account must have been hijacked.
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