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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Yes but from a different direction! It's all gone mad. Loving it.* * I think...
  2. Well hush my mouth and call me mumbles. I did not expect that.
  3. Ah! I see what you mean. That's photo of a fairground ride in Dieppe. I like it but I will give your request consideration.
  4. Always have done, always will. It's either ignorance or arrogance. Take your pick. (could be both, of course)
  5. Got one, very similar. When you screw it down into the cork, the lever thingy at the top flips and you continue screwing and lift out the cork?
  6. Glad to see you are still a remainer but where are you getting this from? True there are some individual punters who take this stance (outnumbered some 50 to one by English nutter nationalists) but I don't see it from the politicians, although living outwith the UK (due to problems which will be encountered after brexit) I don't follow it in minute detail, just the headline stuff.
  7. John Humphries says BBC has a liberal bias. (aye, right) I would have thought that a liberal bias (with a small 'l') was a good thing.
  8. I can't find the rugby forum. Is it just me?
  9. UK insisting that the 27 nations don't get to see their 'proposals'. ffs
  10. Eh? Woosh , mate. Don't know what you mean. I was editing, mibbes it's that.
  11. Nearly spat my tea oot. Left hand drive too. He won't like that.
  12. You might have made a wee typo there, Romeo...
  13. The revenue from oil and gas resources within the territorial waters of a newly independent Scotland would be worth slightly more than that, depending on world oil prices which, coincidentally, have just gone up. Of course the rUK would not easily give up these resources, which they have been squandering for half a century. So it would depend on what sort of deal could be struck but not an insurmountable problem. 13B is chickenfeed these days, not even enough to build a transatlantic bridge.
  14. They will say it's political and nothing to do with the law of the land, IMO. When Scotland votes for independence, I imagine we will be subjected to a very lengthy debate over the wording, meaning, intent etc etc of the Act of Union. To my very, very limited knowledge, the act does not mention Wales, as Wales was considered part and parcel of the Kingdom of England. So this "equal 4 way partnership" is a new thing. Does it trump the original act? Who knows what can of worms will be opened? I hope it happens soon, I joined the SNP 50 years ago and would like to see a result before I snuff it. ETA There was another Acts of Union in 1800 so lots of room for manoeuver.
  15. Fannybaws right enough. I've never liked him. Radio 2 gets switched off after Ken. Glenanover is a fan......
  16. The people against it do not inspire confidence. "No to Named Persons (NO2NP) coalition, which includes the Christian Institute, Care (Christian Action Research and Education), Tyme Trust and the Family Education Trust." Anyway, the opposition are crowing about as if they had won a football match. Hardly the right response IMO.
  17. I wasn't suggesting Ireland has minimum pricing. I just meant the 'price' didn't seem to have any effect. Your figures (which I have checked, of course ) are indeed accurate. I hadn't checked the supermarket pricing. Maybe it's just decent wine that's expensive, my friends certainly bought a shedload over here. From what you say, the Irish are in line for MUP. One euro per unit seems very high. They won't like it. .
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