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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. The idea of 'honouring' the referendum would stop that line of criticism from the brexiters but I'd rather have another ref which overrules the first just to make things simpler. If we DO go out, then it's a possible route back in. (if all that you say is actually possible) Of course we may end up with a Labour government and 'original leaver' Corbyn may push to stay out.
  2. There are numerically more Engs in Wales than in Scotland and the proportionality is even greater because of Wales' smaller population. That might have something to do with it.
  3. I believe that after independence, the vote will split broadly between 'normal' left and right parties. The SNP may even disappear completely. Job done.
  4. According to the Guardian, I always found it cheaper to buy booze locally in Spain than at the duty free in the airport. Was surprised at the gov forsaking all that duty but then realised it's obviously just another lie to suck in the suckers
  5. As far as I'm aware, they are not on holiday. Just not working in parliament.
  6. I read recently that JD is the best seller anyway. Silly youngsters and their mixers.
  7. Like these in Rodanthe? On a hurricane prone coast. Perhaps beach buildings are exempt from tax or some such, seems a crazy idea. Also spoils the beach.
  8. The backstop is terrible for the Scottish economy. A neighbouring competitor in Northern Ireland with access to the single market. The SNP will never support it and rightly so. If it were to happen, perhaps Scotland would demand the same. Demand, ha ha.
  9. As a well known and much hated Tory PM once said, They're ALL cnuts.
  10. Would be funny if, for some reason, parliament closed before Bojo could get his election vote through.
  11. Unable to give 2 greenies. I would accept brexit Ref 2, now that we 'should' all know the score.
  12. Cup final, hahahahahahaha Apologies. (ye of little faith)
  13. If your football team was playing extra time in a 'boring to watch' cup final, would you just want it to be over one way or the other? I want brexit to be scrapped one way or another. I don't want the majority of folk in the UK to have a worse life just so that I can stop being bored with brexit.
  14. I don't know which is worse. The comic or the fascist , Barclay twins controlled, Torygraph.
  15. Four nil, four nil, four nil, four nil. Four nil, four nil, fou-our niiiil.
  16. Trump doesn't seem quite so mental now that we've got The Johnson.
  17. Malky grew up in Govan and supports the Buddies? I smell shite.
  18. A lot of Labour folk think the same. Funny, innit? Not funny ha ha, both parties have moved to the right.
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