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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. I'll never say never but the main reason I left was the weather. Maybe if global warming speeds up, allied to political change, I can spend my twilight years in the auld country.
  2. I know an Irish couple who gave me examples of alcohol pricing in the ROI. They load their car to near breaking point with wine when visiting France. It sounded really fkn dear to me. Anyone know if there has been a drop in alcohol related deaths over there? Just asking. ETA Took my own advice and researched. Alcohol is responsible for 88 deaths every month in Ireland. That’s over 1,000 deaths per year. One in four deaths of young men aged 15-39 in Ireland is due to alcohol. Alcohol is a factor in half of all suicides in Ireland. Alcohol is also involved in over a third of cases of deliberate self-harm, peaking around weekends and public holidays. Liver disease rates are increasing rapidly in Ireland and the greatest level of increase is among 15-to-34-year-olds, who historically had the lowest rates of liver disease. 900 people in Ireland are diagnosed with alcohol-related cancers and around 500 people die from these diseases every year; one in eight breasts cancer are alcohol related. Drink-driving is a factor in two fifths of all deaths on Irish roads; 1 in 2 pedestrians killed on roads had consumed alcohol. So, at first glance, pricing has no effect.
  3. I'm not going to spend the rest of my life exlaining every single EU regulation to people like you. For a start, I don't know them all, I leave their interpretation and application to professionals who get paid for doing just that. BUT I'll just do this one. The UK has the power to repatriate any EU immigrant who does not conform to the rules concerning work, pay, health etc, after 3 months. The UK chose not to bother its arse (as carbon rod already said) So you were obviously unaware of that. What else don't you know? Do some research instead of parroting shite from the like of the Mail, Sun, Telegraph, Express etc. These organs all have some vested interest in brexit. You, if an ordinary working guy, do not.
  4. I agree with that. Up until April, I lived 6 months in Somerset, 6 months in France (I've now abandoned the UK) and several of the folk I spoke to regularly in the pub would often say 'England this' and 'England that' when it should have been 'UK'. Their appreciation of the UK appeared to be zero. One old geezer (older than me, even) who regularly took his holidays in Jersey, would not believe me when I told him it isn't part of the UK. All in all, I'm glad to be away from them, even though my immediate neighbour was a remainer and a good guy despite being a Tory voter. He did have a Czech wife though. (wid) I dearly hope that Scotland gets independence soon.
  5. I was reading up on some history and found this mildly amusing Doesn't seem to be bothering them now. Now that they want to leave a union.
  6. I doubt it, more like 20M to 15M but that's just my opinion. I wouldn't want to see the leave vote decrease, just the remain vote to increase but there must be SOME leavers who now see the error of their ways. The arguments could rage on and on for all I care, we would still be IN and an independence vote would clinch the deal.
  7. Comet Borisov. It's a sign! The second coming. Or in Alexander's case, vast number of comings.
  8. Mixed metaphors. But I like it.
  9. Here's a mad scenario. Brexit party wins most seats in next election, then prorogues parliament indefinitely and rules as a dictatorship. Seems to be a possibility given the present government's line.
  10. For the information of anyone on holiday in France, this match is on French tv, channel RMC Story. (channel RFC would have been funny)
  11. Typical brexiter ignoramus. Why would anyone want to live in a country dominated (52%) by fvckwits like this?
  12. 'newspapers' ? ( I don't like these 'new' emjicoms thingies)
  13. Whilst visiting a bar in the USA when returning from the 86 WC, the guy running the place shouted 'Hey folks! We got some Europeans in.' I'd never been called 'European' before, I quite liked it. When explaining to an immigration officer at the border why we had been in Mexico, he said "Are you guys on the team?" Americans
  14. Hey, Glenanover, you'll be so pleased I got away with this one for a few minutes before being rumbled. 3 votes each way before being reported. I must admit, even I don't remember Dick Barton on the radio.
  15. Really? Apologies, I thought it was directed at Theresa.
  16. Agreed. She may actually lose some voters who believe that the referendum result must be overturned in a 'democratic' fashion. i.e. another ref. For many, voting LibDem as a way of seeming to be democratic would be a step too far. It would enrage the leavers if it were simply cancelled , which probably would cause a bit of civil unrest. {even if tear gas, plastic bullets, [maybe real ones if the Paras involved] batons and water cannon* hitting the leavers would be nice to watch). *I know, the cannon have been sold.
  17. I've noticed that Johnson is very pointy-fingery when speaking in parliament. A quick search revealed this:- Seems about right. (Trump does it too.)
  18. Maybe not 'bias' as such but still annoying. The BBC news announced the result of the women's golf as taking place at 'Gleneagles, in Scotland' They would NOT have said (for instance) at 'the Belfry, in England'. (it's never actually been held in England) This is by no means the only instance of this practice. It's the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation but they just cannot stop being England-centric and catering for that audience. ETA I posted similar on the BBC website, got reported, eventually posted but downvoted. Quelle surprise. ETA #2 Thanks for the reddie, Glenanover,
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