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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. There are more of us than the Welsh. I realise rugby is their main sport, almost like a religion (like football used to be with us) so maybe getting more Scots to play the game is the answer. The rugby certainly has a brighter outlook than the fitba' at present.
  2. Not as upset with going out as I would have been with 0-0 and no match. Japan deserved their win. Just one niggle concerning TMO. In the build up to Japan's first try there was what looked like a forward pass and in Scotlands 3rd try, ditto. The ref didn't seem to want to use TMO whereas the Welshman , Nigel Owens, seems to just LOVE it. TMO, VAR, has to be used consistently.
  3. There is owning class and working class. No middle. Oh, and the 'I have no job and own nothing' class who would love to be working class.
  4. You're havin' a laff. Fingers in ears, la la la la, Rule Britannia, f**k Johnny foreigner, plucky English, the blitz, Dunkirk spirit ( they ran away) bacon, real ale, (ok, I'll give them that) Cadbury's chocolate (not much cocoa), etc, etc. Or am I just being as bad as them? Nope, had a think, they're caucs.
  5. It's just 'chaotic' jiggled about in a random fashion. With extra esses. eta ...and a tee.
  6. Had to look it up. Only used 7 times on P&B. (3 of them by your good self and 4 by 2 others. ) Every day's a schoolday.
  7. Another one bites the dust. Is Trump setting records? He'd spin it as some sort of success, no doubt. ('spend more time with his family' )
  8. I presume it's normal for a signature on a legal letter to be that of the company, rather that the club, sorry, the individual writing the letter? (Atkins Thomson. Tommy Atkins. Tommy Robinson. Tommyrot.)
  9. ' Love' at first sight? P.S. Am I the only one to confuse the Trump and Johnson threads when clicking?
  10. I see Piers Morgan and Jeremy Clarkson aren't fans of Thunberg either. Quelle surprise.
  11. What's required is world socialism. Can't se it ever happening, though. The powers of darkness are too much in control.
  12. I remeber a mate of mine told his wife to pick up a copy of the Sunday Sport on its first day. He thought it was a genuine sports paper. She came home and threw it at him, with verbals.
  13. I see that Greta Thunberg gets pelters from the likes of the Mail, Sun, Express. Even if I knew feck all about her, that would be enough to make me a supporter.
  14. Last time it was stupid referee. This time it's the RULES. Scottish fans should just accept that the team will never succeed and stop going to this tournament.
  15. If we had played well but still suffered a narrow defeat, what difference would it make?
  16. The fans will be reimbursed anyway. It's the result that's important in this case, not the number of fans who are able to watch it. I suppose the fact that cancellation favours the hosts has nothing to do with it.
  17. Maybe they'll just cut their losses and run. Seems strange to have two different messages coming out.
  18. Any brexiters I spoke to in England, before I left, spoke of little else but the imagined financial gain by the UK.
  19. Yes I can. Re-schedule the match.
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