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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. I saw this in the Soaraway Shite and immediately thought it referred to brexiters. (It didn't, of course, it was the Extinction Rebellion protesters.)
  2. ALL religious people are totally fucking mental. Some more totally than others.
  3. Beat me to it. What a focking madman. Trump-not you.
  4. Doesn't matter if it was cops or rednecks who carried out the execution, same thing really.
  5. Yep. He's thrown the Kurds under the bus which wil reverse over them a few times. Absolute monster.
  6. Why does it exist? Seems daft to me.
  7. I'm still hoping that 'the hard part' never happens.
  8. I was going to say 'We' didn't but ah, what's the point?
  9. If you have any sort of Scottish accent and I don't mean really heavy, be prepared to get some blank looks when you try to speak to anyone. eta I notice you don't say which football club you follow. Any reason for that?
  10. Nah, he's up to something or rather Gollum is. He may be trying to outwit the court, stop them from sending the letter on his behalf. Whatever, I don't believe the fat, lying fraud. Time will tell.
  11. Interesting article from Monbiot in the Guardian. ( Well , it was interesting to me.) "Demagogues thrive by whipping up our fury. " https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/oct/03/demagogues-fury-violence-outrage-discourse
  12. Does Shull still post on here? Haven't seen him for a while.
  13. Does anyone have any stats on the number of 'last minute' or at least, very late goals? To my mind , they have increased considerably over the last, say, 20 years compared to before. Generally speaking, I like 'em.
  14. 99.99% (approx) of brexiters know absolutely f**k-all about WTO rules and regulations. Just saying.
  15. OK, can't resist a Daily Express style comment :- "I'd like to see them all swing"
  16. Whatever, it won't affect the UK. We'll all be riding on buses.
  17. WTF? That's incredible. Watched again, they were not actually proffering their hands, but still...
  18. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/oct/02/nhs-doctor-mu-chun-chiang-faces-deportation-visa-application-error FFS What is happening here? (well, there, I'm not in the UK)
  19. Well , one unfortunate lassie seems to have lost faith.
  20. That's exactly what they like to do. Pervy old sods.
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