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Everything posted by scoobles

  1. Damn, I'm already getting trippy dreams because of Nicorette patches and this blast from the past is sure to feature. Kids nowadays have it so easy :Q
  2. Worse than Chic Young? Thicker than Pat Bonnar? Nah. I will admit that this season he is aiming for the top 3 of crap commentators Insert other media
  3. Not going to get caught up in the Pro/Anti Stadium crap but If I do bother going I better not be stuck beside fatshaft. What a tedious bore of a man
  4. Me neither. Sweaty sex is as good as a bath
  5. I'm guessing I might have other views in that scenario. Dead and still warm and hasn't turned? Might take my chance
  6. Those are very good reasons for keeping Maggie
  7. The word from China: source close to Beijing Renhe denies that the club made a multi-million pound bid for@RangersFC Alfredo Morelos. Says their foreign player quota is full, and that there's a levy on foreign signings over $7 million. @BBCKheredine going off script?
  8. 11:45pm and still no match report from Dingwall on the Daily Rectum site. Guess it's too costly to send a bus load to the Broch and still cover a league game further north.
  9. Bitter? Out of spite? WTF you smoking? The majority of the 18-30 mob are the most fickle you get. Read the match threads and they're all over it with excuses for missing the games. Maybe you'll get a singing section with more than 50 of you in it this time
  10. Under 10000 on Saturday but Kingsford being all shiny will increase the turnout? I've been going since the early 70's and barely missed a home match since 75 but Kingsford can gtf. It will be quicker getting to Brechin than Broadhill with the proposed transport. Midweek crowds are already poor and I doubt they will improve in Westhill. Add the fact the city centre is already on it's arse and this move will bring zero uplift. Guess I better start taking an interest in ice hockey just for the location
  11. Simple really. They overcharge Dons fans in the same stand and you can't have different prices for same seating in the same stand. It's nothing personal
  12. I find the Maya max after a few months just slows to a fast crawl. They can handle a bounce or 5 though and the battery life is very decent
  13. Half of those protesters will be dead by the time it's built. Nae keen on Kingsford but would be funny to see those folk getting bent out of shape. I think this is gonna end up going to various courts like the bypass did.
  14. Diddy club = less fans/gloryhunting dicks = Club Saved Rangers 2012 = Biggest Most Successful Club in the world (my arse) with 500 million fans = Liquidation Mon the diddies
  15. If they front up the fee in full. Do you honestly think if another club came in and offered more that Brighton wouldn't take it? A more solvent club obviously
  16. There may be benefits to the club but that's debatable. The city centre suffers as travelling fans won't enter it due to location. City based fans will still be stuck in buses whilst away fans are halfway to Dundee. Midweek games will see lower crowds and winter/spring games will probably drop. AECC would have been ideal but ..
  17. If it's Strachan then I'm out. He's a classless fud of a man. I was going to bin the season ticket if Calderwood stayed. Jim Jeffries was touted and I wouldn't have been back. Didn't want McGhee but prepared to give the benefit of the doubt. Strachan would be game over.
  18. Fair enough. Loads still hark back to his halcyon days of Gary Dempsey, Ritchie fitever. I hear it some games and fan pages hold him in a far better light than the reality.
  19. Funny how you miss Calderwood, who drove fans away in masses, but is revered by some for playing a Europa group like they were home and away. Milne got his stake in Aberdeen by writing off dicks erection. Milne is not to blame for all of our problems but he is certainly culpable for more than other supports would have tolerated. I miss Chris Anderson's vision
  20. I'll take more of this. Especially if the undercover plod lead the attack again. Shame about the convicted hooligan pensioner
  21. I think Alex Smith could argue about the best since Fergie. He signed some cracking players and had us playing some really good fitba. That Hateley assault and the start to the next season shouldn't be the way he's judged. Willie didn't too bad either
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