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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Moore is trailing in the polls by 8 points. He's pretty downbeat but after it's all done he going to ask it out on a date.
  2. I unfortunately wasn't on the losing team as I didn't even get a vote but you enjoy all the results of Brexit. You deserve it.
  3. The ladies would love a visit from Ruprecht with that big tongue of his.
  4. It's actually painful now from Davis. Bluster aside, is he getting any closer to working out if a border with Ireland is needed? He's been on that for months now.
  5. Al Franken is going before the Senate Ethics Committee because he is accused of groping 2 women in the years before he was elected. Fair enough. Although groping women is enough to get a Senator expelled but it's OK for the President. The Republicans to a man are vile. Utterly vile individuals.
  6. Jacob Rees-Mogg - "A clean exit from the European Union is hugely economically advantageous and cutting tariffs will benefit the poor in society. "So there are real opportunities. It’s exciting to get Brexit." Why doesn't the shitebag press demanded these Tory c***s to be specific on what they mean by things like "economically advantageous", and "real opportunities"? Anyway no matter what it is, if JRM supports it then it will not be good for the poor. His type think poor people are utterly vile.
  7. I don't think he'd have the funds to run a Presidential campaign as an Independent but he can't be worse than Trump.
  8. I love it. Time off work, seeing my family. Christmas movies, trees, light, eating and drinking loads. I don't have any kids to ruin it or the many other aspects of my life though.
  9. Hannity is now distancing himself from Roy Moore and says that Moore should provide evidence that he didn’t do touch weans or drop out the Senate race. Am I being too cynical by thinking Hannity’s about turn is far more to do with losing sponsorship money than anything to do with Moore being a beast?
  10. Strewth. Sheilas doing it with other Sheilas? Crikey mate.
  11. The Government is a squabbling shambles, the economy is heading into the gutter and no one is directing Brexit but one thing that's always constant, the Scots are 2nd class citizens.
  12. Billionaire James Dyson thinks a Hard Brexit will be good because it will get round Britain’s “very difficult” employment laws. He told the BBC’s Andrew Marr: “This is controversial, but since I don’t know what orders I’m going to get next month or next year, and the manufacturing industry is very volatile, not being able to flex your workforce is another reason why you wouldn’t start or expand a manufacturing business.” So he is particularly looking forward to the moment when Brits have no workers rights, the country is a mass labour pool, and companies have the flexibility to take from and and drop off workers are they see fit. That sounds fun for people with mortgages. What part of Brexit are you most excited about?
  13. Doc. Sam Owens. Good guy. Karen Wheeler. Milf. Max. c**t. 11's aunt. c**t.
  14. By home town do you mean where you live or where were you born? Now- Probably City Hall. Glasgow- The Glasgow Art Galleries.
  15. 10 years of austerity to turn the United Kingdom from purple to a very slight darker shade of purple on someone's diagram. Totally worth it.
  16. Conservatives are boycotting Keurig over Keurig’s decision to withdraw their adverts on the Sean Hannity show. That’s so childish that Roy Moore wants to shag it.
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