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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. North America? I thought you were from Canada.
  2. Hoey wants a wall to stop Brits fleeing Brexit into the ROI.
  3. It doesn't matter what utter shite you come out with or what your agenda is. All you need to do throw your support behind Brexit and Britishness and huge amount of Brits will be lapping your pish up. JD Weatherspoon loves a bit of Brexit.
  4. Sean Welsh isn't decent. He's magnificent. Since that glorious day in 2012 when Sean Welsh signed for us the entire club has been on an constant upward trend in terms of better players, league placings, youth development and firm financial footing. Now that he's gone we are bottom of the league, the players are terrible and our multi-million pound Academy didn't attain Elite status. Some will say it's all coincidence but it's really The Sean Welsh Effect.
  5. The Brexit / Middle England / Daily Express types won't like him getting involved with someone who's not white.
  6. How would that work? Give us a demonstration please.
  7. I like the addition on the temporary fence to keep the neds off. It really adds to the splendor of the piece.
  8. Washing dishes by hand is nasty. Heavy chunks of food that were left on a plate floating about and using the same lukewater to wash a pot with gravy to wash cups and glasses. Gie's me the boak.
  9. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-11-23/u-k-faces-longest-fall-in-living-standards-since-records-began?utm_content=brexit&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&cmpid%3D=socialflow-facebook-brexit Britain lol. Get in the sea.
  10. Sure. Anyone willing to do a degree and undertake a 10+ year training program in the city with the highest rents in the world can have my job.
  11. Why don't people have dishwashers? Do you have indoor plumbing?
  12. I came to the US when Obama was in power. By the sounds of it I doubt I would have got here under Trump or the process would have taken a lot longer. I'm alright Jack so everyone else can suck it-
  13. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/23/opinion/immigration-visa-h1b-trump-.html?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur Interesting column on getting this fella getting denied an H1-B visa after spending the best part of $200,000 getting an MBA from Stanford now that Trump is in power.
  14. She buys brown bread rather than white. Brown bread is shite. It tastes shite and it looks shite.
  15. I really hope someone says they’ll enjoy the journey back to the top.
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