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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. You won. You're prize is a shiny new wheelbarrow in which you can carry your pound notes to buy a loaf of bread.
  2. Your typical Brexit roaster telling Lloyd Blankfein that's he wrong-
  3. Please tell me he was sitting the whole time with his headphones on.
  4. The NFL couldn’t enforce them to stand. That would be challenged in court the very next day. I can’t understand anyone who is pro 1st amendment not liking people kneeling during the national anthem. Unless it’s crazy racism.
  5. Tony Watt on Twitter. Gets a lot of stick for being shite but he gives it back.
  6. Indeed but I'm talking about girth. A massive wad. Something to get the ladies excited. Get it really packed it in there.
  7. Britain is going to thrive under Brexit. Inflation was 20% in the 70s and everything worked out OK.
  8. We get it. Your wallet isn't big enough for all your 50s.
  9. From the BBC's Scottish Football Gossip page- I for one am relieved that the BBC is keeping us up to date with Joey Barton's personal schedule. Nah, get that shit to f**k-
  10. I actually like looking over Ben Garrison's stuff.
  11. Good summary from Armand Two. We've had no consistency in the team selection this season. Last season's team, especially the defence was almost the same each week. We're all over the place now and shitebags like Barton, Nitransky, Sammon and Storey aren't interesting in stuck in to dig us out.
  12. So it's either 'no deal' or no Brexit. I wonder if the majority of Brexiteers would change their mind if they were offered a straight choice on that.
  13. Guy builds AT-AT in front garden for Halloween. http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Man-builds-2-story-Star-Wars-vehicle-replica-12281105.php#photo-14357871
  14. “I think people in this country, have had enough of experts.” - Michael Gove Those experts with their facts getting in the way of good ol' British yer da type racism.
  15. New York is great apart from the horrible weather. The worst day in California is the best day in New York.
  16. Samsung tablets are the Tennents of the tablet world.
  17. That’s good they let people know where Ireland and Scotland are in relation to England. Nigel (45) from Essex wasn’t sure.
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