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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. The British immigrationdepartment is missing a trick here. With all the Europeans going home because of Brexit they could take advantage of disgruntled Americans looking to leave the US with a carefully aimed marketing campaign. Come to Britain. The weather is shite, we're in a horrific period of austerity that has been strangling people for years, the pound is tanking and we all voted for Brexit because of a bus but you definitely won't get shot by a white guy.
  2. Remind me, why did you get banned as the PC Cabe account?
  3. The long summer is coming to an end. It's starting to get into autumn and the mornings and nights are a little bit crisp.
  4. What banned poster is this KarlMarx guy? He talks some amount of shite so I'll guess he'll be gone again soon.
  5. I bet they made this face when they finally found something they can sell -
  6. Archibald is having a tough time of it yet is still a better manager than Tommy Wright.
  7. This emphasises how much of a minter Scottish people are.
  8. Sean Welsh could have easily done a job for us. It's also utterly ludicrous that Fraser was given a new contract in the summer.
  9. I'm surprised we've been so poor. I mean we signed Conor Sammon.
  10. Boris is starting to sound like Trump - "The crucial thing I want to get over to Sun readers about Brexit is that it is going to be great and we need to believe in ourselves and believe we can do it. It is unstoppable." He's going to be PM soon.
  11. Fair play to Corbyn. He could have ditched his pro-Brexit stance and gone for the remainers vote but he's stuck to his beliefs, as weird and deluded as they are.
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/41440567/celebs-share-embarrassing-photos-for-hurricane-fundraiser Both are embarrassing. He should pay double.
  13. I'm loving the 80s style green screen. He doesn't give a shit.
  14. ^^^ Brought to you by the people that thought a post-Brexit UK could make a direct trade deal with Germany.
  15. Boy front and centre in the white suit looks like he'd have plenty of 'yer da' type racist jokes.
  16. Any man that throws a strop because certain people can't come to his stag do so "it won't be perfect" are 100% OFTW. It's a night out dude. Get over it.
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