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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Nadine Dorries throws her support behind David Davis for leader and as someone who will get on with delivering Brexit. Seems a good shout for some top bantz.
  2. Michael Caine is further proof that anyone over 65 should been neither seen nor heard. The annoying this is that these guys are never challenged. It's the same with Farage. They spout so much pish and no one ever corrects them.
  3. It's not a great idea, it's a fucking brilliant one. I hope the first thing he does is stick the head on Miles Storey.
  4. Innovative jams, none of your ordinary fruit or traffic jams.
  5. I'd rather Caldwell than Hartley, Hughes, McCall or one of the other diddies getting mentioned.
  6. I doubt Theresa May gives a single f**k if a couple of sweaty socks resign over her policies. BoJo are much more “important” people already have done.
  7. Checked my email, had a few ham shanks. Busy work without contributing anything spectacular, much like Bolshevik Bob there.
  8. France heard the loud bang and immediately surrendered. #amiritefolks
  9. Anyone seen Jezza Corbyn? Has he fallen and can't get up?
  10. Good. He's a freak but I would remove all Sevco hero, wife beating alcoholics from the Hall of Fame to show that there's no bias.
  11. David Davis is on it. Get a +++ trade deal with Canada and we’re done.
  12. Tim Martin is King Gammon. Reminiscing when men were men and pansies were flowers.
  13. Apt that Colin is as bad a troll as Archie was a manager.
  14. Brutal that there are still fuds who think Archie needed more time. He was give a year longer than he deserved.
  15. We should have a no teuchers rule. Anyone north of Cumbernauld and south of EK need not apply. That should rule out the majority of the diddies.
  16. The job was too big for McCall back when. He was rightly let go. Going back would just be a return to mediocrity. Steven Craigen would be a shout.
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