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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Blackadder is still funny as f**k. A good example of a show that's 30 years old and has aged well.
  2. It's full of Brexit, "yer da" type jokes about Jews, "blacks" and homosexuals. It should be consigned to scrap heap of history. Luckily millennials find it offensive so it will be eventually.
  3. I Googled "funny quotes from Only fools and horses".
  4. https://ptfc.co.uk/ptfc-news/open-day-qa-summary/ Open Day Q&A summary. Firmly lock away that expectation that we are going to make a flurry of signings. Apart from a couple of diddies I reckon this is it.
  5. Unsurprised to see that Preppino guy appreciate racist 70s comedies like Only fools and horses and Alf Garnett.
  6. Why are they replacing Waghorn with Windass? 2 different types of player. Also Tavernier is the best RB in Scotland by some distance. He would walk into the Scotland team.
  7. Remember when the UK was just going to default onto WTO? What a lot of impossible shite that was.
  8. Good. A sand-dancing winger on loan from the **** is the final missing piece in our squad.
  9. I'm suspicious of people who keep a cat as a pet. They are FTW.
  10. He’s Croatian and Croatia are good so he must be good. Daily Record logic.
  11. Once he’s finished in New York he’ll head over to British Raj to negotiate with the East India Trading Company.
  12. The Red Hot Chili Peppers and the Beatles were both pish.
  13. Any organisation that uses gmail as corporate email can be classed as a 2 bob outfit.
  14. Look at the state (empire state) of this arsehole and his creepy family? This guy still thinks it's the 1800s.
  15. But will you be here for the next big moment? Which will be promotion from League 1 at this rate.
  16. We better go back the A4 sized paper driving licence. That's the Brexit dividend I want to see.
  17. Aussie windows might be pish but the cars are cool.
  18. Make the most of this year cause you won’t see him again once he’s married.
  19. Stuff like PTSD is used an out for VLs. They use minor obstacles they had in their past as an excuse for not wanting to face reality. “My parents got divorced 10 years ago and as a result I’m 30 stone and I can’t get a burd or a job”. No it’s cause your a loser. Stop holding onto life’s problems. Put down the 1kg bar of chocolate, go get a job and get your life together. Tough love init.
  20. Tommy Robinson is a cock. Anyone into oppressive shite like the BNP, UKIP, Brexit, socialism, communism is a fucking welt
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