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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Trump usually doesn’t bother me that much. Unemployment is record low, the economy is strong so he’s been more like a white noise machine droning away in the background but the stuff about Michael McFaul is horrific. Get him in the Baltic sea right now.
  2. Andrea Loathsome showing why she lost out on the leadership contest to May with a clusterfuck of a statement.
  3. Lack of normal places to eat airports. A vegan burger? Vegans are arseholes. Clam chowder?! Banh mi sandwiches?! What the f**k is a banh mi sandwich? Get that pretentious shite in the sea.
  4. We had a better and bigger squad of players in 2012-13 than we do now tbh, especially in midfield. If Beattie wasn't full of shit and we're going to be competitive then we'll need to get some more bodies in.
  5. I didn't actually think it was possible for it to get worse but here we are.
  6. Breitbart stuff from the BBC. Hopefully it's the beginning of the end for these c***s.
  7. They do make some decent superhero movies though. There hasn't been a good Star Wars movie since The Empire Strikes Back.
  8. Are clubs outside of Glasgow just filled with overweight middle-aged woman?
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/jul/18/may-struggles-to-explain-customs-plan-in-grilling-by-senior-mps May doesn't even know what her customs plan is. They are so incompetent it's painful.
  10. Using UK tax payers money to build Wembley then selling the satdium off to "fund English grassroots football" is wanky behaviour but completely expected.
  11. We couldn't even manage a full bench yesterday. More players will surely be coming in.
  12. That picture of the Shkupi's empty stadium is a full on minter for everyone connected to Rangers FC. Rangers sold out Ibrox like it was the biggest game they've ever played, and the Macedonians were clearly treating the tie with utter contempt. Rangers are complete diddies. Next round they'll get SevKO'd by a team that take it even half seriously.
  13. A hard Brexit with The Mogg as PM makes Theresa May and her soft Brexit seem pretty decent.
  14. No one cares about brown people countries. No one protested when Netanyahu comes to the UK. Unless it's the US and Trump and plastered all over social media then no one gives a shit.
  15. I'd rather have Sean Welsh than Willo Flood. In fact I'd rather have Syphilis than Willo Flood.
  16. Anyone that identifies themselves as a Brexiteer should be kicked into the sea.
  17. I would take James Keatings from DU. A proven goalscorer at this level.
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