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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. I do that too. Usually in places like busy trains.
  2. What is your sense of humour like, and how important is humour to you? I have been told that I have a very dry sense of humour. It consists mainly of sarcasm and can be quite dark at times. I usually say something for a joke and people think I'm serious and either think I'm a weirdo or an idiot. I have spent most of my working life in mental health care and dementia care which can be quite difficult at times, and it definitely helps if you can see a funny side to things. Some of the things I've seen people do and say in my work have been hilarious, and a lot of people who have mental health problems or severe dementia still actually have a sense of humour. One of the best parts of my job is being able to have a good banter and laugh with the people I look after. My job would be absolutely dire if it wasn't for humour.
  3. Lost 1-0 against Kilmarnock in the Quarter Final of the Betfred Cup. Good cup form aside my league form has been absolutely honking I've only beaten Falkirk 3-1. I signed Derek Lyle on a free transfer from QOTS and he grabbed a double on his debut in a 3-2 loss to Dunfermline. Need to start winning games NOW.
  4. I've drawn Kilmarnock in the next round. Tasty!
  6. Started a game with Ayr United and defeated Dundee, Dundee United, Queens Park and East Stirlingshire to top my Betfred Cup Group. Just been drawn to play Dundee again in the next round.. Sick of the sight of Dundonians now.
  7. I have been struggling with depression recently. A contributing factor in this is that my relationship ended about a month ago which was a sore one because I genuinely loved her, but she said that I made her feel unhappy. I have bouts of feeling really sad and hopeless which make me start crying. Thankfully most of these happen at home but there's been a couple of trips to the toilet in my work to pull myself together. Also I absolutely despise my job. It's an endless and thankless task, the hours are long plus the company I work for is an absolute joke. I have been tempted just to chuck it even though I don't have another job lined up.
  8. Good choice. I need to read this again, it's been a long time. Apparently the main character was based on Fish from Marillion.
  9. At Somerset Park you get transported back to the 1950's whenever you go to the toilet.
  10. I got tagged in some lassies comment on one of those godawful "most beautiful baby" contest things (along with most of her fb friends) begging for votes for her newborn baby and to share the post. I am absolutely not voting and sharing that shite.
  11. People who feel the need to talk all the time need to be doused in petrol and set alight.
  12. I met my current gf through pof which is surprising because pof is full of absolute fucktards but she isn't one.
  13. No I just nipped out for a loaf.
  14. I've ever actually met two decent people on POF. The rest were weirdos.
  15. I've had more rides from pof than tinder tbh.
  16. If you're fat don't get ill.

  17. I get an itchy sack regularly. It's probably the washing powder tbh.
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