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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. We are going to win this league. And not only will we win it, we will win it by a record points margin and with the most number of goals scored*. *Not really
  2. I was actually slightly disappointed we let him go. He has potential to be a good goalkeeper. Good luck to him.
  3. He'll go far in the game. It's great to have a player of his quality in our team. A true goalscorer.
  4. Just like watching Brazil. Stenny were Brazil and we were Germany?
  5. I read it years ago and thought it was awful, but each to their own.
  6. Finished The Count Of Monte Cristo last night. Wow, what a story. Definitely a book worth reading if you don't mind it being about 1200 pages long.
  7. Yeah, it was like waiting two hours for a bus. Awful, awful game of football and the atmosphere was lost in Hampden Park.
  8. I was born in 1990, so McCall is definitely the best manager we've had in my time. That's mostly down to everyone else not being very good though. Dalziel had some good times but should have achieved a lot more, Reid wasn't too bad but couldn't keep us up in two attempts. Campbell Money, Shanks, Connor, Watt and Roberts were all rotten and I don't remember Stainrod and Burley. As for bad signings, Graeme Brown cost us a substantial amount of money at a time when we were struggling both financially and on the pitch. I think he only scored one competitive goal for us (on his debut IIRC) despite being a first team regular before getting a bad injury that meant he never played for us again. Also, I heard that we paid a large signing on fee to Thomas Gill before he buggered off after 6 games or something.
  9. That was their cup final. Whatever happens for the rest of the season is irrelevant.
  10. Donald Trump is in Ayrshire for talks about buying Ayr United. The whole state visit thing is just a cover up.
  11. It's Jordan Hart. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/ayr-united-sign-goalkeeper-jordan-8326705
  12. I've heard good things about it, will check it out. Is it longer than The Count Of Monte Cristo? The name War & Peace seems to have become a synonym for a large amount of reading.
  13. I'm going through a bit of a "classics" phase, and War & Peace may well be next.
  14. Yes I am still reading it, and thoroughly enjoying it. I am just over halfway through, and my only regret is that I haven't been able to read more of it due to work etc. It's the longest book I've ever started reading, but I can't wait to find out what happens next.
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