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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. Not only that, they seem to use each other as yardsticks to determine what cunty behaviour is acceptable.
  2. I am curious about what criteria they use to assess who the best fans in the world are, because they are fucking awful fans.
  3. Keep an eye out for me. I'll be there.
  4. It is possible to argue very compelling cases for and against either side, but the debate is sullied by there being total fuckwits and nutjobs on both sides. There are many variables involved and it's not simply a case of being anti-this or pro-that. For what it's worth I personally don't care what other people do to themselves or their foetus because it is none of my business, and I wonder how empty people's lives must be to get so worked up about such an issue. I think the best scenario is for abortion to be legalised, and if you don't agree with abortion then simply don't get one.
  5. I thought it was shite at first but it's growing on me.
  6. I stayed in Sousse. Food was awful, streets were stinking and full of rubbish and everywhere I went people were trying to sell me shite or trying to get me to give them money for performing some minor task like holding a door open for me and got aggressive when told to GTF. Oh, and my two sisters and brother (who is gay and quite effeminate) got harassed and insulted every time they went out. However, I hope you have a much better experience than I did and enjoy your holiday.
  7. I honestly wouldn't bother going to Tunisia. Worst place I've ever visited.
  8. That's harsh. I was only asking a question.
  9. I actually know someone called Walter Brown and he's a fucking legend.
  10. I am of Irish extraction and couldn't give a f**k about St Patricks Day.
  11. I have forgot to take my antidepressant two days in a row and cannot get it now until tomorrow when I finish work. When I say "forgot to take it", I mean I ran out of my prescription two days ago and meant to go to the chemist to pick it up yesterday and today but just forgot to do so. Running out of antidepressants is not a great idea but this would have seemed like a catastrophe previously but I am feeling so good just now that it isn't really a big deal. Anyway, due to registration issues (my registration lapsed during my last period of longterm sickness) I am currently temporarily working in the kitchen of my workplace and, despite expecting to hate every minute of it, I am really enjoying it to the extent that I am considering asking if I can stay there. It is a stress-free job, nobody gives you any hassle and you just get on with doing the job on your own and don't need to rely on (sometimes incompetent and negligent) other people. I doubt they will let me stay but at worst they will say no.
  12. Read the Daily Record Post about missing cats on Facebook Use an electric meter and need to top it up on a card at the shop Only have one bathroom in their house Drink Tennents
  13. It's a few years since I played the PC version but it seems pretty much the same to me. Not much difference at all.
  14. If he knew how to construct a fucking sentence then he wouldn't be a "larry" driver.
  15. This weather better f**k off before the weekend because I am working seven days in a row starting Saturday.
  16. BOOM BOOM. I am on annual leave this week. Happy days.
  17. It's a day for staying indoors and reading the Kindle, listening to music and/or starting shite threads on P&B.
  18. They were shite in the snow though.
  19. I know. I was using a mediocre brand of humour.
  20. How the f**k did this country manage to repel Nazi invaders when a wee bit of snow causes absolute chaos and fragile little souls are too scared to go to work or school in case someone has an accident?
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