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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. "Potential threat to human life as Arctic Blast hits Britain". f**k off.
  2. For me personally, alcohol is definitely not my friend. It may provide a temporary superficial relief from depression but afterwards it will magnify all the worst parts of having depression. That's just me though, alcohol doesn't agree with me and never has, so I haven't drank in a long time.
  3. People who open all of the windows on public transport without asking anyone else need shot with an uzi.
  4. There's a common question from non-informed people, which is "what have you got to be depressed about?". This is often accompanied by an unhelpful statement like "there's people worse off than you". There are people who have no shelter, no food, no family, no job, no career opportunities, no education, no safety and I (and I bet most of you) have at least a couple of these things. Therefore of course people are situationally and circumstantially worse off than I am. However, it is possible to have all of these things and still suffer horribly from depression or any other mental illness. This is because depression is not circumstantial or situational. No amount of "manning up", being told that there are people worse off than you or waiting for it to go away will make it go away. The only way to get rid of it is by seeking help and getting whatever help you require. I wish I had found that out sooner and saved myself about ten years of antidepressants and therapies that were nothing more than temporary fixes because I wasn't honest enough with myself or medical professionals to deal with the real problem.
  5. I finished Thus Spake Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche last night. Someone a few pages back summed it up by saying that it reads like the work of an opium addled maniac. That book was the last one I read on my old basic Kindle with a black mark on it's screen because I got a new Kindle Paperwhite today. I have started reading The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.
  6. Oh, and Morrissey was excellent last night.
  7. I am not a big fan but I saw them in a small venue about fifteen years ago and they were excellent.
  8. Morrissey in about two mins time.
  9. What does BRALT mean? I keep seeing it on here.
  10. Don't be daft. Why would Sevco fans go into a bookshop?
  11. Yeah, that too. I stopped smoking last year, and to think that I probably used to smell like that is affronting.
  12. People who stink of shite on the buses.
  13. I returned to work yesterday. The shift was alright. It was absolutely ordinary and painless. Most of the current patients are new to me because a lot of the patients I knew died over the Christmas period which is a shame because I was quite fond of them. They all had a good sense of humour and were a great laugh. Most of the staff were pleased to see me back which was great.
  14. I have won the same number of Premiership titles as Steven Gerrard.
  15. More importantly, who the f**k even sits a cycling proficiency test? I spent most of my childhood cycling, I don't need some shitey test to tell me I'm a proficient cyclist.
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