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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. I was at Fish's warmup gig for his Clutching At Straws 30th anniversary tour last night in Stirling. It was an excellent show.
  2. Agreed regarding meds. From experience they may work in the short term but when the prescription runs out I was straight back to being awake all night. It is better to try to fix your sleep pattern (as difficult as it may be) rather than rely on pills.
  3. I 100% agree regarding sleep pattern. I have periods of insomnia were I cannot sleep at night and only snatch a couple of hours of poor quality sleep here and there. My mental during such times is terrible and that is when most of my horrible thoughts occur. However, on the rare occasion that I manage to get a peaceful night of sleep I feel good during the day. Good sleep habits are underrated when it comes to mental health. It can make a big difference.
  4. Someone shooting the c***s would generate a lot of money.
  5. You mean this? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Royals-Kitty-Kelley/dp/0446585149
  6. Yeah, having a whole family of unelected and unaccountable figureheads in the 21st Century is absolutely not ridiculous. I bet all the ex-British Empire nations regret no longer having the Royal Family. I bet France and Russia regret executing their monarchies. I have travelled all over the world and not once has anyone I have spoken to indicated any interest or envy in the monarchy.
  7. I have not had a watch for years but I might buy one.
  8. I dreamt last night that IndyRef2 happened and No got 80% of the vote, but the voter turnout was only 20% for some reason. I was fucking raging anyway.
  9. You gave this thread AIDS by posting in it.
  10. I always had a P&B shaped hole in my life tbh.
  11. Whistling buttonhole tunes to make me cry.
  12. Today is World AIDS Day. Let's talk about AIDS. Is there still a stigma attached to this terrible disease?
  13. Most things on Facebook make a nuclear war that wipes out 99% of the world's population seem like a great idea.
  14. I'd probably let all of them sit on my face tbh.
  15. Nacho Novo Lorenzo Amoruso Fernando Ricksen Neil Lennon John Brown Barry Ferguson Kris Boyd Kirk Broadfoot Owen Coyle Kenny Miller El Hadj Diouf Ronald De Boer Michael Mols Chris Sutton Stephen McManus Fraser Wright Manuel Pascali
  16. Funny you should say that, because he was using opium and painkillers around the time he wrote that. I understand its a novel of sorts? Is that correct?
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