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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. A well earned bullet in the head awaits such people when the revolution comes.
  2. If I went into a toilet and saw that, I'd shite in the sink.
  3. Three-quarters of the reason I go to the gym is perv at scantily clad ladies. The other quarter is to tank it and hope they notice.
  4. Men who wear vests and complain about scantily clad women are closet cases IMO.
  5. Ah but what currency will they use? What will happen to the shipbuilding agency? Do they really want their Spanish friends and family members of be foreigners?
  6. At least they could say that they were killed by what they loved.
  7. About six years ago I thought I was home alone and was having a losing streak on FIFA so proceeded to rant and shout and really loudly at the game, calling my opponents, individual players and referees all kinds of colourful names pretty much non-stop for about an hour. A couple of hours later, I went downstairs and my mum asked me who I had been shouting abuse at. She thought I had been on the phone to someone.
  8. I'd just let him die so he can come back as The Craig Flynn.
  9. I'd pay the £123456 to never have to read such illiterate nonsense.
  10. Ayr United beat Chelsea in the Champions League quarterfinal one year. I can't believe you left that out.
  11. I don't think Oliver Burke actually exists.
  12. I had a game as Hearts on the go and had taken the title race right down to the wire. I managed to hump Celtic 3-1 in the penultimate match to reduce their 5 point lead to 2 points. On the final day I needed to beat Dundee while needing Celtic to lose to Aberdeen. Aberdeen raced into a 3-0 lead after 20 minutes and my Hearts side were 1-0 up against Dundee. Then we scored a second goal and with half an hour left it looked like the title was coming to Tynecastle. Aberdeen 3 Celtic 1... ok nothing to worry about. Aberdeen 3 Celtic 2....surely fucking not?!? Aberdeen 3 Celtic 3....oh s***! Aberdeen 3 Celtic 4....COMPUTER THROUGH WINDOW. Absolutely sickening.
  13. I'm signed off work for at least four weeks and don't see myself going back to that job tbh. It was a totally miserable job and I have felt a sense of liberation from the job since being off. I have been going to the gym a lot and using the sauna in the gym (including jumping into the freezing cold plunge pool) because I find these things therapeutic. I have also noticed that I have lost a lot of weight since I started going to the gym as I noticed that I looked fat as f**k in older pictures compared to how I look now. I got my medication doubled when I went to my GP and was prescribed sleeping tablets because I had been struggling to get to sleep. Been sleeping a lot better the last three nights, and I only took the sleeping tablets on one of those nights.
  14. I am signed off work again due to depression and suicidal ideation. I don't think I'll be back at my work this time. It's become a horrible place to work which is a shame because I used to love my job. I think my mental state would improve if I was to change jobs and I've had an interview for another job and I was honest with them about my mental health and why I was leaving my current job because they asked me to be honest with them why I was leaving my current job and they were good about it. I was doing really well for a number of months too. I stopped smoking four months ago and joined the gym and my fitness levels have shot through the roof and I have lost a lot of weight and was generally feeling a lot happier. When you're in a shite job in the only industry you have any experience in and you don't get treated like a human being it's a real downer though. I'm feeling better today and have a GP appointment later on.
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