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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. How much can Noel Gallagher rip off Interpol and get away with it?
  2. The monarchy is an undemocratic and outdated political institution. The idea that, in the 21st century, someone can only become Head Of State if they happen to be born into the royal family is very silly. It is wrong that people cannot become Head Of State on merit and in a democratic fashion. Do YOU think it's time to axe the monarchy? Is there any reason at all why it shouldn't be dispensed with?
  3. Beyond Good And Evil might be a good starting point. That's where I started, and it is one of his most well known works.
  4. They were all very interesting reads, and I still have a few books of his still to read. I would reccommend them definitely. He makea alot of good points and I quite enjoy his sense of humour and his tendency to poke fun at other philosophers. Twilight Of The Idols was probably my favourite of the three.
  5. Recent reads: The Grapes Of Wrath by John Steinbeck East of Eden by John Steinbeck 1984 by George Orwell Animal Farm by George Orwell Beyond Good And Evil - by Friedrich Nietzsche The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche Twilight Of The Idols by Friedrich Nietzsche Nausea by John Paul Satre Fear and Trembling by Soren Kierkegaard I am currently reading Either/Or by Kierkegaard.
  6. Do you want to know a secret? I didn't think Encore was THAT bad. The Re-Up on the other hand...
  7. Eminem appears to be under the impression that he can just put any old shite out and people will buy it, and he's correct. He has fell off so hard.
  8. I have 36 Chambers, Liquid Swords, Only Built 4 Cuban Links and The W from Wu Tang Clan. When I was younger I was more into West Coast rap than Wu Tang Clan but nowadays I think East Coast is a lot better. Liquid Swords and 36 Chambers are pretty much perfect. Agreed.
  9. "Life After Death" by Notorious BIG. Back in the day I was never overly enamoured with this album and hadn't listened to it for about 12 years, but I am listening to it right now and it is actually a lot better than I remember. Maybe I was too young to appreciate it?
  10. I don't have a dog. I have a budgie, he's too scared to ever go outside so he'll be fine. When did "a country get over run by terrorist"? I must have missed that. Anyone whose display picture is of them kissing is a grade A syphillisclown.
  11. I used to listen to rap music when I was younger but stopped listening to it for years. I am really enjoying the Wu Tang Clan now. Has anyone heard any of their newer albums? Any good?
  12. I don't have Facebook so could someone check it and let me know if it was snowing last night?
  13. I had a similar diet when I worked nightshifts. Can't say it did me any harm*. *I was fat as f**k.
  14. [Sarcasm]Yeah, do you not know that cannabis is harmless and cures cancer? Absolutely no one who smokes cannabis behaves like they have brain damage. [/Sarcasm]
  15. While we're on the subject of putting lowlifes who will never be cured down, how about putting these scheme goblins down as well?
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