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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. If he wasn't a ginger ugly c**t he wouldn't be anywhere near as popular as he is. He is basically a shite David Gray.
  2. I made two bus routes and then couldn't be arsed making anymore. There should be the option for things like bus routes to be automatically generated.
  3. Yeah, my first ever city got abandoned because there was queues of traffic all over the place. I started again and used roads with more lanes to reduce congestion. I have a lot of abandoned buildings (too many industrial areas) and dead bodies not being collected despite there being multiple crematoriums and cemeteries in my city. Will knock some of the industrial areas down and replace them with offices or something.
  4. Does anyone play this? I got it for Christmas. It's a city building simulator a lot like the older Sim City games but better. Good fun.
  5. Was there not a reported increase in people applying for dual citizenship with EU countries in order to retain EU citizenship? Did anyone here do this?
  6. Make Fish rejoin Marillion, Richey rejoin the Manic Street Preachers and Pink Floyd reunite next plz.
  7. The brand of "nationalism" fuelling Brexit is the nationalism of xenophobic, supremist Little Englander types who are probably proud of everything the British Empire did. Their "nationalism" is rooted in a manipulated history. The desire for Scottish independence is based on building a better country in the future, and the fact that Scotland could and should govern itself and determine it's own future. Supporting Scotland's independence is just sensible, not an exclusively "nationalist" idea. Why would anyone want their country to be dominated by another in an unequal and outdated union? Why would any Scottish person want Scotland to be eternally shackled to the rotten corpse of the British Empire? IMO the only positive from the clusterfuck called Brexit is that it could potentially cause "sensible" No voters to change their minds and support independence.
  8. Does anyone have a Kalashnikov and/or a beret?
  9. "Labour will do everything in our power to stop this". Too late Jez m8. Shame he didn't seem to care very much about such issues during the EU ref campaign, when everyone and their dog knew that this kind of shit was going to happen. P.S. Did you change your profile picture back to Emma Stone because I said that I liked you better when your profile picture was Emma Stone?
  10. Just finished The Drowned World by J.G. Ballard. Now onto Empire of the Sun.
  11. I would support one because there is no way on this planet that an informed decision was possible. Also it would potentially force Farage and co. into humiliated reclusion seeing as he was so keen to take the credit for Brexit when he visited America to help out his pal Mr Trump. Failing that, the country will most likely go to shit, but at least we showed them pesky foreigners whose country it is eh? They won't come here and take our 60 hour a week £2 per hour factory jobs anymore. Rule Britannia etc.
  12. It's as if he has forgotten how to rap. He used to make it sound so effortless and he was an amazing lyricist but now his delivery and lyrics are garbage. I didn't mind Encore either, it had a few good songs on it and nothing on it is awful but you can tell he was on drugs. Even Relapse, Recovery and MMLP2 had their moments but I listened to Revival once and it will be the only time. SSLP, MMLP and TES are absolute back-to-front classic albums. Nothing he ever does will change that, but I am beginning to wish that he would retire.
  13. Eminem's new album is terrible. Worse than Encore, Relapse and Recovery.
  14. I'd rather they spent my money on five Tridents and a Thatcher museum in every city of the UK.
  15. I'd actually support a second EU referendum just for the seethe a Remain victory would generate.
  16. Dundee was already bombed during WW2. You will remember it well. Why has no one tidied up the damage and debris yet?
  17. Last night was a laugh even though I was the only sober person there. One of my drunk colleagues decided that I am the president of the United States.
  18. Most people I work with are alright, a few absolute wankers but I don't think many of them are going. Should be a laugh. You going for a meal or just drinks?
  19. It's my work Christmas nightout tonight. Naturally I'm going and quietly disappearing home at around 11 because by that time the Twilight Zone will be in effect and everyone will be boring and talking nonsense.
  20. This whole thing genuinely makes Gordon Brown's tenure seem like a golden age of UK politics in comparison. It really is that bad. Even he probably wouldn't have made such an arse of this.
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