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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. I'm actually watching the 2022 World Cup Final on my crystal ball atm, but will let you know after.
  2. Yer boy Richey has a fresh cut.
  3. He wasn't anywhere near our worst player last season. I actually preferred him to Farid.
  4. Andy O'Connell was actually a really good player. We could do with signing him to replace Shankland.
  5. I forgot what it was like having Farid El Alagui up front thanks to Shankers and Moorey.
  6. That seems bloody legit, tried about 15 year ago or whenever it was and got told to gtf. Went up the road to the circus instead and destroyed them. Remember when people used to mock Ayr United for knocking him back? Get it right fucking up them.
  7. Who has the baws to post a picture of their haircut?
  8. There was a guy I had the misfortune of working with who liked sprinking instant coffee on his bacon. Hanging is too good for the c**t. That's total beast behaviour.
  9. Make your own booze out of stuff you found outside.
  10. Positive and negative are both illusions. Life is too complex and variable to label our experiences in such a black or white manner. Our experiences are all learning opportunities and adversity is an opportunity for development. Experiences we don't like aren't necessarily worthless and they don't define us. We own our experiences and not the other way round. I suffered horribly from depression until I was encouraged to stop thinking of things as Positive or Negative and to see value in every experience even if I didn't have any good feeling or memories of them. In reality things are what they are and most of them are not permanent.
  11. Are you the wee boy from Empire Of The Sun?
  12. Didn't Grant Murray do quite well with Raith? What happened with him?
  13. I have had a few dreams that I am playing for Scotland at Hampden and the fans don't like me because they don't think I should be playing. They probably have a point though, I'm shite at football.
  14. Wish you every success in your attempts to lose your VL. Thanks m8 xxxx
  15. I'm the same. I look better in real life than I do on my POF profile.
  16. Losing the playoffs is a sore one, especially after such a close-run title race which was decided by fine margins. This is exactly the reason why I was relieved that we won the league and avoided the playoffs. I wasn't confident that we would have fared much better than Raith over two legs against an organised and streetwise Alloa side. Well done Alloa and commiserations to Raith fans. If you had a competent manager then maybe the events of the past few weeks would have panned out differently.
  17. Saw his camouflage Bentley go up the Sandgate today, stopping at Renaldo's for some Absolutely minted ice cream before heading to San Somerset. I heard he paid for it with a £50 note and said keep the change.
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