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invergowrie arab

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Everything posted by invergowrie arab

  1. Its a well worn trope in comedies. Limmy and Always Sunny have both done it but of folk want it to be true who am I to get in the way of that.
  2. How could you believe for a single second that if that happened the two parties first reaction would be to announce it to the assembled and then their family.
  3. You can have the community at heart and still want something back. I don't think they are pretending it's an altruistic exercise. What annoys me is that they can do it. I was also pissed off by the sly digs at the 3pm broadcast rules. Quite a few times they have come in like typical ignorant Americans with no idea about the culture.
  4. It was OK although not as good when you know the story. I wonder how much they paid those arseholes from other clubs to line up and say good luck to them. Lost a bit of respect for Nieve Petruzzielo categorising detractors as bitter and jealous though. Even if these owners genuinely have the community at heart the model of ownership is inherently dangerous.
  5. Disclaimer: I want Ukraine to win and restored to its pre 2014 borders. That said, according to Ukraine flag Twitter the Russians have been throwing conscripted 16 year old infantry armed with spades at the Ukranians since about June 2022, so no one should be surprised at any copium they pump out to deflect from the fact their 18 month old predictions of Russias imminent collapse have come to nothing.
  6. How do you pronounce Assynt because it definitely should be first syllable emphasis.
  7. I used to like this guys wine videos but now my confidence has been shook by his ability to taste peat in a Glenlivet. I don't think you are meant to take the SMWS notes seriously but that message hasn't got through to some reviewers.
  8. Football is strange. I'm not saying you are wrong but that's my assessment of us and I was nervous only being 1 up.
  9. Turns out Graham isn't the second coming of Klose when he isn't playing against children. Was a bit worried to only be one up when we robbed Thistle midfield of possession at will in first half but was comfortable in the end. Hypercritical opinion is Mochrie or Cudjoe ahould have got on at 3.
  10. Is this all because I'm Raging at getting charged 13 quid for some chicken mayo on one slice of rye bread? Quite possibly
  11. Similar to this would be buying something like an electric sander and then being inundated by ads for electric sanders or emails from company suggesting other ones. I need to sand something, I haven't started a collection.
  12. Yoghs aren't Gaelic they are Scots /Middle English The Scots speakers would have used the yogh to approximate the soft g from the Gaelic Eigill. The hard Z must be a recent thing as it's Aigle in Scots.
  13. Is it poker where they say if you can't find the fish then you are the fish?
  14. I quite like Tooth and Claw in Inverness. It might be because I'm impressed that a town that size can sustain something so niche when big city pubs are mostly identikit shite, rather than it actually being any good. I like the Horseshoe but it's not a venue in itself but a place to rest and hydrate when attempting the Queen St to Central traverse.
  15. The Canny Man's is awful IMO. It should be good but full of the worst c***s in Edinburgh and therefore planet earth.
  16. I don't remember us ever selling it out so I'd be amazed. Try FB and Twitter as there was a few folk with tickets who can't get down due to floods.
  17. Either we sold 300 tickets in half hour or Thistle decided no match day sales meant shutting it down at 9pm on Friday night. Why no on day sales anyway?
  18. It still blows my mind = I'm desperate to tell people I know something but have had no opportunity to bring it up in context
  19. Looks like the trains are going to be off again. Two away games in a row I'm going to have to drive and watch United sober
  20. Wouldn't hear them say Johann Sebastian Back on Unversity Challenge though, would you? c***s.
  21. As I mentioned in the whisky thread it's almost unique in Edinburgh in having a superb whisky collection but also reasonably priced and not full of whisky dicks. Seems to get a decent mix of #ladz, students, tourists and locals and seems to have a good buzz about it from lunchtime onwards. It's puts me in mind of what uni adjecent Edinburgh pubs might have been like when working class people and people from Edinburgh were allowed to live there.
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