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Central Belt Caley

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Everything posted by Central Belt Caley

  1. Never seen that tbf, it’s not the boys delivering themselves I’m moaning about more just the companies piling them full with parcels Yer man at CJ Lang sounds like an utter jobsworth c**t
  2. When couriers give you a time period or day they’ll deliver then either don’t deliver or are 2/3 hours after they said they would be
  3. I like the Greatest Scots shout, I think most folk would be semi serious in general nonsense and no Yogi Hughes shouts etc.
  4. He’s been doing well I think, some of our fans who’ve been to more games might think otherwise. Anytime I’ve seen him he’s looked pretty solid. Been playing left side of a back 3 can tell he’s still young and has a mistake or two in him though. I did worry a bit that after seeing Martindales comments in the media he might be recalled but fingers crossed he’s not. How’s Daniel Mackay getting on with you guys?
  5. Would probably like to travel back to everytime a bird has been flirting with me and I’ve not realised it til 3 days later
  6. Give it a year or two and Allan Macgregor will no doubt have done something in his retirement to merit a place in the line up
  7. Was beginning to get worried when this wasn’t appearing Favourite line of the whole show for me is l: Ladies and Gentleman, Shug…and two polis
  8. Unfortunately you need to have shots on goal to score goals and we’re not very good at that
  9. Collum isn’t very good but he’s far from the worst. His handling of the second leg of our playoff semi final Vs Arbroath was abysmal and he should’ve chucked the refereeing a few years ago. Colin Steven and Greg Aitken are by far the two worst referees in Scottish football IMO.
  10. I would like to travel to May 2016 to prevent Richie Foran from being appointed manager of the Caley.
  11. We managed to get rid of jug ears so that’s a positive at least. Much improved after the first 6 games of the season where we had only taken 1 point. Can see there’s a clear style the new gaffer wants to play but don’t think we’ve quite got the personnel to play at the moment. The squad assembled by Dodds and Robertson is utter shite, once you go past the first 11 there’s very little quality. If the league had started from Dunc’s first game we’d be 5th (if my auntie had baws etc) so there’s a marked improvement. Saying that, we were very poor against Morton in Greenock and against Airdrie the other day. Surprised that Queens have been as poor as they have, as last season they looked one of the better teams I’ve seen at this level. Outside Raith, Dundee United and Partick I don’t think there’s much between any of the rest. 2/3 wins on the bounce can send you flying up table, the beauty of a ten team league I suppose.
  12. Is is possible for both teams to lose a game? If it is, that’s what’ll happen here.
  13. The amount of times yesterday Harper got the ball 30 yards from our goal then has to run 40 yards before he’s anywhere close to an attacking position was ridiculous. The saving grace for us vs the teams round about us is that we’ve conceded far less than they have. If we’re able to find a formation that means more bodies in attacking positions we’ll be fine I think. Right now, we’re utterly toothless up front
  14. For me, Mckay, Broadfoot, Shaw, Gilmour and Wotherspoon were/are good for us. Gardyne was good but his off field antics overshadow any contribution on the pitch. Delaney started brightly but has dropped off. f**k knows how guys like Boyd, Ram and Lodovica got a contract. A big annoyance for me last season was releasing Oakley then he goes to Morton and is doing fairly well by all accounts
  15. I would like to add a centre back to the January wishlist. As Wallace Duffy isn’t very good at football. Doran should’ve been out the door 2/3 seasons ago. Welsh is made of glass and i wince anytime someone goes near him. Macgregors last prolonged period in the team was the 21/22 season I’m sure, reduced terms for next season or he can go elsewhere. It will be interesting to see what Dunc’s strategy is. Butcher loved the English lower leagues, Hughes had a fetish for centre mids and Robbo took punts on guys who’d fallen by the wayside (Donaldson, Chalmers etc).
  16. 15st 9lbs for me this morning, can always tells when I’ve put a few pounds on as I start getting Heartburn. Already run 4/5 times a week so get the diet under control and the lb’s should be quick enough in coming back off. Set a daily goal of 8k steps which is good enough spur to get out for a walk when I’m sat at a desk all day. Onwards and upwards lads
  17. Watched QONY on catchup and thought it was alright, far better than the later OAE’s. The Banksy sketches were about as funny as a kick in the tadger but the rest of it wasn’t bad. Wasn’t doubled over laughing like folk on twitter/fb would have you believe but a few chuckles here n there
  18. …or he’ll be out trying to kill whoever shot his brother.
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