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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Lord Frost negotiated the Johnson/Frost Protocol for Northern Ireland that placed a hard border in the Irish Sea. This was done in full knowledge that it would piss off the Unionists in Northern Ireland. When it did, Johnson and Frost pretended the Johnson/Frost Protocol was nothing to do with them. Disingenuous.
  2. .. and these comments are coming from someone who is currently the Foreign Secretary for the UK. I thought the role required someone who was always diplomatic in the way they spoke about other leaders. I guess I was wrong.
  3. "Oh come on. Those aren't the codes." "Yes, they are". "But they don't work now". "Yes, they do". "Show me". "Okay I will. Oh that's strange. Getting a message saying 'ha ha, did you really think we ever trusted you with the codes?'"
  4. #Worldle #202 1/6 (100%) https://worldle.teuteuf.fr
  5. If he had half a brain, he would drop out and let her do it. Later on he can claim she only got the gig because she was the only one left standing when the music stopped. That's what happened to May.
  6. In 30 years time, Brexit will be a question on an exam paper. "Brexit was a concept that achieve the exact opposite of what it intended to do but people thought it was a good idea." Discuss (2,000 words or fewer).
  7. He also failed to understand the concept of charisma and showmanship. These are not necessarily good things but they help you get elected. Blair had it, so did Cameron and Johnson. Brown thought he was doing a serious job and there was no time to smile about anything. May was crap at this to but she up against Corbyn who looked like he wasn't happy about anything. Truss will win the leadership contest because she can smile a lot. So can somebody without a brain.
  8. He is probably aware they are sniggering when he talks to them on the phone. Obviously a Teams meeting would help but in this country that is not the way we do things (except we do).
  9. Remember turning 18 and going to the cinema to see your first adult-themed movie! What a moment.
  10. You would have had a great job as a traffic warden 200 years ago when basically the stuff was everywhere. "Hey you, clear that up. .. and you, and you, and you. ... " Actually not as stinky as what comes out of meat eating animals.
  11. Actually I did but in a different thread. Can't remember when.
  12. Okay, okay. He made a statement. I suggested there was another factor. He then qualified what I had to say. Is that sufficiently vague for you?
  13. Gravity has something to do with it.
  14. I think there are too many of some things and not enough of another.
  15. 85 miles is also the distance between the highest point in the 48 contiguous USA states and the lowest point.
  16. You are hearing it wrong. The word is "fans".
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