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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I quite like reading travel books, especially about people going to places I don't expect to go to - where I would not know the language, it is too hot or too cold or there are other difficulties. I can read the book in the comfort of my own home regardless of what discomfort they had to endure. It makes me feel warm and cosy. Actually it doesn't have to be a travel book. There are lots of other books that can achieve the same goal. Just an idea.
  2. You would have had fun at the Inverness Ironworks a few months ago. Tribute acts for Beatles, Oasis, Abba and Queen. "Hey where's Richey? He's missing the show." "Oh, never mind him, he is seeing if he can catch polio."
  3. I think you should change your doctor.
  4. Well it was someone's Granny. Her name was Enola Gay IIRC.
  5. Every county in Oklahoma voted for Trump. Need I say more.
  6. August 6th. I think you are getting confused with the bombing of Hiroshima.
  7. Cement mixers in the southern hemisphere have to rotate the concrete in the other direction to avoid crashing into a wall because of the Coriolis effect.
  8. I recall a book written by a pilot stating that Aeroflot did not deserve the reputation they had. In the days of the Soviet Union they were the world's largest airline and bigger than all the American airlines combined. Also the Russian climate was not great.
  9. I think you might be wrong about Newcastle. I recall Question Time coming to Scotland a few times and wherever they go they manage to find the most unappealing people. If I worked for the tourist board, I would carry a big sign telling them to get lost.
  10. This policy gives the impression that France, and possibly all of Continental Europe, must be crap if people are willing to risk life and limb to make it to good old Blighty. In reality, a lot of refugees choose countries on the continent. It is mainly those with family already in the UK that are trying to get across the channel.
  11. This week, Canada and Denmark declared an end to the Whisky War and agreed to share a land border.
  12. Other European countries have Royal families but I couldn"t tell you if it was currently a king or a queen, how long it has been their turn or even their names. A bit like asking "who is the President of Germany?"
  13. Thanks for that. I am glad the expression is inflation-proof. "He was struggling to make sense of what was happening but then suddenly the £4.25 dropped."
  14. I have always seen his role as that of an after dinner speaker. If Corbyn might be seen as someone who is too serious about everything then Johnson is seen as someone who is not serious about anything. It would be tempting to see this as just an act. However some see it as an effective negotiating tactic - be instantly dismissive of any and all challenges. It also means he can push a hard right agenda while pretending he is just stumbling through it.
  15. Is discontinuing a specific 1p coin something to do with the saying "the penny dropped"?
  16. I thought it was a great film and very entertaining but there is no doubt it is exactly the sort of film that the Pentagon would have approved of. It makes joining the military look glamorous and fun. Nothing like Full Metal Jacket. Nothing like Saving Private Ryan. Nothing like A Few Good Men. Have fun flying around in fast planes and drinking beer with cool people. Maverick is a maverick and he is the best of the best of the best of the best - slightly rebellious but in a good way. It is possible to laugh at how corny it is but still enjoy it all the same.
  17. You're one of those damned Trotskyites. I am sure there is somewhere in the constitution that says my child can watch something before the watershed if I damn well choose it. God bless America!
  18. Not going to happen. It might be seen by a child left unattended watching TV and left traumatised. Before you know it you are being sued by parents who actually agree with you on gun control. I think I would be more tempted to show the famous D-Day landing scene from "Saving Private Ryan" and then ask two questions: 1. Would you allow this to be shown at your local primary school? Resoundingly No. 2. Would you allow this to happen at your local primary school? Apparently yes. Too many Americans don't understand the irony here.
  19. The last time I was in America, I found a $5 bill and was able to return it to its rightful owner. Small amount though it was, they were still able to use it as a final down payment on a liver transplant. Now they are on the mend, I definitely feel that I did the right thing.
  20. Is that where the term polished turd comes from?
  21. Well that's progress. There was probably a time when some Royal Perogative indicated that such abandoned articles would automatically be deemed the property of the Crown. I guess the Queen isn't do hard up nowadays.
  22. I recall someone shopping and when they got their change, it included a £100 note instead of a £10 note. When they spotted the mistake, they went back to the shop and sorted it out. Tempting to hold to it but actualy it was a young shop assistant who had made the mistake on her first day and she was sick to her stomach that it would be taken out her pay or she might be sacked.
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