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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Got there eventually. #Worldle #122 6/6 (100%) https://worldle.teuteuf.fr
  2. Remember that your promotion is not their demotion. Your colleagues have not suddenly become less capable of doing their job. Some crap managers don't know this.
  3. Yikes. I never knew P&B had so much influence. Dunfermline tops the poll on here and Lizzie says "That'll do for me" and it is done. Wow.
  4. Alternatively they could just call themselves Brechin Athletic seeing as Dunfermline (City Football Club) no longer needs that name.
  5. Definitely lacking exclamation marks and angry emoji. Thus I am not sure they really conveyed their sense of outrage about this!!!
  6. Well it is definitely not there, and it is not there either and I guess I will just have to get started so let's try #Worldle #119 1/6 (100%) https://worldle.teuteuf.fr .. Oh. That was lucky.
  7. Oops. I could blame autocorrect but it does accept Creedence. Actually I think I will stick with CCR from now on.
  8. This looks confusing. It has primarily affected people who have NOT travelled from Western Africa. This suggests that if I travel from Inverness to Dingwall directly then I am more at risk than if I did so via Timbuktu. Have I understood that wrong?
  9. What do Joey Ramone and Pol Pot have in common?
  10. If only they had watched the game between ICT and Arbroath, they would have seen how to win a penalty shoot out. Only got themselves to blame.
  11. Bands often have a good first album full of songs they wrote before they were seriously a band, with all the pressures of touring, getting along with each other and so on. The Beatles changed when they stopped touring. Often a change of personnel can change the band completely. Fleetwood Mac, Genesis and Pink Floyd changed considerably between early and late. Even a new drummer or bass player can freshen up a band. I can think of one band that had a good album, four or five crap albums and then another good one. Actually a question of whose in the band at the time. IMO obviously.
  12. The NME (formerly the Harmonica Times) is now entirely online. Easy to find. I always enjoyed how there were rival factions of the Paul Weller fan club who totally idolised him but also despised anyone who totally idolised him. "The Jam are brilliant. It is absolutely sickening more people don't know that. The Jam have gone to Number 1. It makes me sick. They sold out."
  13. If only Rangers could change the first letter of their name to a "B" then this could be known as "The Sausage Final".
  14. I was going to use that pun, you little thief! Look. If you two are going to have a fall out about this, can you each write a song and get Feargal to sing it. That is what Maria McKee and Belmont Tench did with the songs you mentioned.
  15. I think the protocol should referred to as "The Johnson Protocol" so he can't pretend he didn't sign it.
  16. The reason there is a war in Ukraine is that Putin just cannot accept that it really is a separate country able to choose its own future. For him, it is part of Russia even if the people there don't know it. In turn Ukraine has no fond memories of being part of Russia. It even experienced a famine because of its larger neighbour. It would rather be friends with the EU. Strange that some people can't see the obvious similarities.
  17. I was wondering if you clear something up. I know there is a Thai snooker player called James Wattana and I also know Thailand used to be called Siam. I am told there once was a King Wattana so the crowd would chant "Oh Wattana, Siam" over and over. Is that true? No don't answer. I will grab my coat.
  18. #Heardle #79 ️️️️️ https://www.heardle.app
  19. John Fogerty formerly of Clarence Clearwater Revival was once sued for sounding like John Fogerty. The case was thrown out.
  20. Not entirely correct. IIRC there is a FIFA rule that requires the teams to be balanced for the penalty shoot out. Thus with only 9 players for ICT, Arbroath would be required to drop two players to balance it out. This situation happened in the World Cup.
  21. Oh dear. I thought it was Cromartyshire but I was wrong. #Worldle #113 2/6 (100%) https://worldle.teuteuf.fr
  22. 1 second to recognise the song but 7 seconds to work out the name. #Heardle #52 ️️️️️ https://heardle.app
  23. Maybe it would be better to talk to someone who knows a lot about car insurance.
  24. That was fun. #Worldle #112 4/6 (100%) https://worldle.teuteuf.fr
  25. This picture appears a bit clearer than the rest. Unless I am mistaken that appears to be a 10p coin just below his neck and to the right. Presumably it is head side up so we can see the Queen on it. I guess this is how they identify him as the Queen's designate for all this. Good improvisation I would say.
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