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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Onoda Went to see this film at Eden Court. It is about a Japanese soldier who didn't know the war ended in 1945 and did not stop until the early 1970s. Quite a long film. Excellent. 10/10
  2. If it is really bad they will have to change the name to Temp. Oh dear, I will leave now.
  3. They are playing in Glasgow on Tuesday, Edinburgh on Thursday (Usher Hall), Dundee on Friday (Caird Hall) and Aberdeen on Saturday (Music Hall).
  4. They are probably the reason nobody is thinking about invading Russia itself. However Russians outside of Russia are considered fair game. Same as when they were in Afghanistan or when Americans were in Vietnam or Korea.
  5. I saw Rumours of Fleetwood Mac last night and that was great. MacFloyd were on the night before but I decided not yo go. Springsteen Sessions is on this Friday. Probably go to that. Three cases where the original band was never likely to play Inverness. Elio Pace (Billy Joel tribute) was brilliant. Also Clarence Clearwater Revisited. Also a Beatles tribute band. Also Marc Bolan tribute band. Enjoyable night listening to lots of songs I know and like. Maybe there are too many AC/DC bands. I was bored silly at a Led Zeppelin tribute act. Guess I didn't really the original that much.
  6. #Worldle #101 2/6 (100%) https://worldle.teuteuf.fr
  7. "Oh yes. That will be the Porn 2000 combined harvester, the ultimate in farming machinery from Tomas Porn Industries of Denmark."
  8. Not a lot to invent here. The C Major (Ionian) scale is equivalent to the white keys on a piano (i.e. C,D,E,F,G,A,B). Similarly A Minor (Aeolian) and B Diminished (Locrian). Also D Dorian, E Phrygian, F Lydian and G Mixolydian. Basically the same concept with a different starting point. On a guitar, C major, B diminished and A minor have similarities
  9. Somebody on the Politics Forum taking the view that if you spit out the same message day after day after day then people will eventually accept it as the truth. However it all still looks like gobbledegook to me.
  10. #Worldle #100 6/6 (100%) https://worldle.teuteuf.fr
  11. I am Global Manager for my company. One of the advantages of being self-employed.
  12. What about someone who is Regional Assistant Manager?
  13. Unionist politicians are really angry about everything.
  14. Presumably we will hear that he was simply doing his own research.
  15. Okay. I just think that if he can't graze his sheep in York, then he shouldn't be allowed to bring them up to Inverness instead. I don't think it would be appropriate.
  16. No doubt the same thing should happen here for the Earl of Inverness.
  17. So somebody living in England last year but now living in Scotland will be counted twice, while somebody who did the opposite will be overlooked altogether. Boy, that is really going to complicate everything!
  18. You forgot to mention that there was a very high likelihood the torpedo wouldn't explode, even if it hit the target. They even made a Hollywood movie about how useless the torpedoes were.
  19. The song "S.O.S." by ABBA inspired the song "Pretty Vacant" by the Sex Pistols.
  20. Not so sure. If you had to choose between two candidates, would you choose the one who has a PhD in potato peeling or one who doesn't? Bit of a tricky one, me thinks.
  21. How can you be talking about fun when the whole galaxy is in danger once again? The crew of the Discovery have a lot of responsibilities on their shoulders but nobody seems to appreciate that. Thank goodness they travelled into the future to save everyone again and again and again.
  22. It was originally quoted as his reason for not eating his vegetables at dinner time.
  23. Thanks to the census, the government can now closely monitor all the people that ticked the box "Do you like pineapple on pizza?" I feel safer already.
  24. If a lot of people indicate that they are Jedi, will local councils be obliged to set up Jedi schools?
  25. The original film from 1956 is called "The man who never was". It is a fairly stiff Ealing Studio production but is still enjoyable. There is a brief appearance by Joan Hickson, who would play Miss Marple decades later. It also stars Gloria Graham. She won a best supporting actress Oscar for a film in which she only appears for 9 minutes ("The Bad and the Beautiful").
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