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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I don't know what's worse - the census asking all those questions about the Napoleonic Wars or my history lecturer wanting to know why I haven't handed in my assignment yet.
  2. Putin is an old style Soviet. He thought Ukraine 2022 would be like Hungary 1956 or Czechosolvakia 1968. The Kremlin decides how things need to be and the rest of the world just has to suck it up. Not sure he has understood how the world has changed.
  3. In other news, in Inverness, I spotted that the old Christian bookshop on Castle Street is now a Whisky Shop. No hope for us.
  4. Either that or you will find yourself sitting beside a true believer who regards you as their new best friend. Bit risky I think.
  5. I recall being on a train when somebody started talking to two women from the USA. One of the women was asked what she was studying at university. She replied "Theology and Latin American Studies". There was a long pause. Finally somebody said "Latin American Studies. What's that all about?"
  6. Doc sent the letter to Marty to let him know that he was not stuck in 1955. He himself had travelled back to 1885 and had hidden the Delorean so Marty could find it and return to 1985. Effectively it was "never mind me, I am happy in 1885. As for you, here is where the Delorean is. Use it to get back to your own time."
  7. Not being a time traveller myself, I can't say for certain but I can't think of any alternative in 1885. IIRC, he sent the letter as soon as he arrived in 1885 but was shot a week later. Even if he had not been shot, is it likely he would still be around 70 years later?
  8. Some people have called Putin a monster while others have called him a raving loony. It seems obvious which party is to blame for encouraging all of this.
  9. It is not a good idea to keep them too long in case they hatch. HTH
  10. Deep inside his mind we discover he had a childhood trauma that has affected the person he is today. Oh my. And his mother was involved - indeed yes. Can they snap him out of it? Let's hope so. Yes. They do. Hooray. On with the story. The last 15 minutes was the only bit worth watching.
  11. In the original series, "This Side of Paradise" was a criticism of peace loving hippies. Although it was a great episode, the colonists seems to have a great life and were happy. They only grew enough crops for themselves but do what. I don't why they had to be evacuated from the planet.
  12. It is incredibly difficult to invade an island. See the UK in WW2, as well as various islands in the Pacific War. Hitler gave up - too much effort with too little to gain. By comparison, the European plain is "Great tank country" as some enthusiasts would say. It is easy to invade Russia and conquer a lot of territory. Holding on to it is the fiddly bit. The puzzle is why Russia thinks anybody wants to invade Russia. NATO countries would not dare and similarly non-NATO countries.
  13. A lot of people trying to reach the UK have got family or friends already in the UK.
  14. The Falklands War was never a war until it was over.
  15. Africa!! I thought Rwanda was somewhere in Wales!!
  16. It's a simple strategy. Where is the world's poorest country? Burundi. Send immigrants to the country next door. Wouldn't it be cheaper for the bigots to paint a bigger sign on the white cliffs of Dover that simply said "F*** off"?
  17. This thread has obviously died. The answers to the last two are as follows:
  18. Yes. It seems to get everybody upset. All these new posts that barely contain a word of English. Meanwhile on the puzzle forum: #Worldle #83 3/6 (100%) https://worldle.teuteuf.fr
  19. #Worldle #83 3/6 (100%) https://worldle.teuteuf.fr
  20. It appears to be some bot adding about 40 new topics on to the forum in a matter of minutes. If you go to page 2 if the forum, it is all still there. Maybe the solution is add a time delay on how soon you can start a new topic. Maybe two minutes after you started the previous one.
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