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Everything posted by AUFC90

  1. AUFC90

    FIFA 20

    Thanks mate. I think I'll avoid tbh. I have tried many combinations but my favourite is Dembele behind Son and the Crespo I have. I like to have to 2 out of the 3 being really fast and the other one to be relatively tall,good finisher etc. Tbh, I didn't think the Serie A attackers were that great. Mertens is probably about the best, never liked Insigne, I preferred Gomez when I had a Serie A squad.
  2. What ? [emoji23] All that quantitive easing wasn't invested in the economy. It should have been.
  3. AUFC90

    FIFA 20

    If I didn't have a couple of icons that can make him fit I wouldn't do it either. He does look very good though. You wont find another 90 rated striker with those attributes for 250k. I have Son and I'm thinking Villa must be better.
  4. AUFC90

    FIFA 20

    Anyone tried Villa ? I'm tempted to sound 250k on him but no sure.
  5. My money would be on Fury but he has to put in a near faultless performance. It's a shame he doesn't carry any power.
  6. She's had better and was still light years ahead. That's the levels we're talking here. How anyone can vote for Boris Johnson is beyond me. Even if he wasn't a Tory hes completely useless. His advisors are completely right to avoid debating Sturgeon.
  7. Anyone that believes that Scotland is suddenly responsible for 60% of the UK deficit is thick as pig shit imo.
  8. So we're too dependent and lack the self confidence as a nation to go it alone and your solution is to ....ehm continue being dependent and lacking the self confidence to go it alone. Cool [emoji106][emoji23]
  9. AUFC90

    FIFA 20

    This. Easily the best winger for under 100k
  10. Remember when the unionists moaned that another bridge wasn't needed and they were wasting money then the same unionists that never wanted a 2nd bridge in the first place were utterly shocked when the first bridge was close for repairs ? Good times. People like to highlight the projects that go over budget but never mention the countless infrastructure projects that are on time. The previous Scottish executive couldn't make a cup of coffee under budget. I'm my local area, under the SNP, we have 2 or 3 brand new academies in Ayr, 2 brand new super size academies in Kilmarnock, new academy in Cumnock, new Carrick academy planned and numerous brand new primary schools dotted all over the place. The flyovers on the A77 that Labour thought a few lives per year weren't worth the hassle, done, on-time and under budget. There's numerous more that I can't remember just in my area. All I can remember from previous administration was a lot of talk and nothing much getting built anywhere. The SNP aren't perfect but they do what they think is best and with whatever resources they have.
  11. Triple G would have destroyed Froch.
  12. How many billion did the US federal reserve use to bail out Barclays, Loyds and other British banks ? I'll give you a clue, it's a lot more than 12.6 billion and about 10 times more than 64 billion.
  13. AUFC90

    FIFA 20

    Surely the Vardy was a mistake ? As soon as I seen it was 83 rates squad I done it. Cost me grand total of 0 coins. Will make a good sub for end of game.
  14. You expected the UK to be professional over this ? [emoji23]. The EU and just about every remainer knew it would be a shambles before May even let everyone know all her impossible red lines. The terms "UK government" and "negotiating position" should never be uttered in the same sentence again.
  15. AUFC90

    FIFA 20

    Came to the conclusion that Ferdinand and Guardiola is the best icon swap combination.
  16. We benefit from the London economy the same way Naples and the South of Italy benefits from the richer North. I.e f**k all benefit.
  17. ^^^What will I do when I go down the shop and they won't accept my tenner type post.
  18. They could convert it to Northern Rock shares Mr Sadact.
  19. Having no faith that the UK government will act rationally or act in the best interest of the UK is yet another very good reason to get rid.
  20. Let's not forget that converting our debt into anything other than GDP would be terrible for rUK, maybe we should convert the assets into dollars while we're at it. Scotland will do absolutely fine with foreign currency as we're an export economy. rUK ? Not so much.
  21. AUFC90

    FIFA 20

    Semedo is on the of the best right backs in the game imo.
  22. AUFC90

    FIFA 20

    Cheers. I might take him then. Going to wait and see how hard the next set of challenges are. If there's a few easy ones I think I'll try get Ferdinand.
  23. Likely ? The guy has doubled in size in a few years. He's clearly on the juice and has been for a while.
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