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Everything posted by locheedee

  1. Ffs, its twats like that that are one of the biggest issues - them doing the keyboard warrior bit spouting twisted versions of the bible or whatever to excuse whats just homophobia is pathetic. + They do my head in too, coz its like arguing with our resident Fermer's - they're too dumb, proud and ignorant to even concede they could ever be wrong! Edit to add - top effort Sooky, even if you are a tory c#nt!
  2. Yeah I can quite easily see that whole chunk (maybe including the park and allotments too) getting a few hundred indentical new build boxes stuck on it unfortunately... They might be nice and name a few streets after the clubs but that and maybe some blue/orsnge paint would probably be as much as any developer would bother with these days!
  3. It'd be difficult but it was the same with Seabraes since it was a goods yard and Scottish Enterprise have reprocessed the ground there so its def not impossible. Just makes it less viable but someone would develop it coz its too big a chunk of land to stay empty
  4. Cheers man, it was amusing at first when he was just embarassing himself but yeah he's just too dumb to even reason with so its either that or me & Dee Man take a drive out to the wilds...
  5. How did you do that Spud, is that just putting him on ignore or is that some other bit of trickery?
  6. I'd say count me in when you're thinking of going round but he's either about 15 or a bit "special" so I'd only be there to record it for posterity/as a warning to any other throbbers!
  7. Ahhh cheers, guess he'll be that spanish defender folks spotted then!
  8. Yeah thats my hope anyway and you'd assume it wouldn't be in the Americans interest to cripple the club with a hefty rent bill so it could be a very sensible bit of business if its done right
  9. Tbf they might but given Bennett is a property developer himself - I suspect he might well be taking that opportunity himself... Which since he's a dab actually upsets me more.
  10. Lol, I'm sure you've been lurking around enough to know the answer to that already - I'm not doubting a lot of it is just spin to appease the punters but they've come through on every statement they've made up til now so I'm getting less nervous about them having as big a say in my club. + Unlike the Aberdeen development, they def don't seem to have any vested interest in the deal other than as business owners while theres plenty of rumours floating about re folks making huge profits over the choice of sites up there.
  11. Just been reading the article in the tele about our budget after the move and again its all fairly sensible, positive stuff from Nelms again. The bit that stood out again for me was "We look at it setting us up for the next 100 years. That’s where we’re going."
  12. Yeah probably, I was going to add Holt to the wee list but he was already getting pelters for pretty much just not being settled yet so I'll concede on that one! & Yeah I've been quite impressed with him at times so far - he still needs to work on stuff but the whole defence needs to gel first in my opinion for both the 'wing backs' to be able to develop their games properly (altho Cammy is doing a cracking job as is)
  13. Fair do's, good to see its not just all smoke and mirrors then - even if the reality of it actually happening is a bit unsettling too! + Yeah I did wonder about that as every other junction has lights or a 'circle', I had visions of carnage on the Kingsway at tea time on a saturday...
  14. I still think it was down to the drop in form of the whole team that came off the back of whatever bust up there was... It wasn't just Bain who's head went to f**k then, coz Loy, Harkins, McGinn and a few others were fairly obviously in the same camp just going by the change in attitude/performance. The rest of them didn't get tarred by it as much as Bain tho (he was the only one to get as much abuse during games for it anyway), so I'm not hugely surprised his 'big move' got put on the back burner. I seriously think he will get back to being the keeper he was once we've got a settled team and a semi solid defence tho, but I do agree if he does go for free then it will def be to a similar club coz I think any big clubs going to want him to prove himself again first.
  15. I'm pretty sure its been since the whole squad started to down tools on Hartley after the Harkins bust up. The run of losses and leaked goals is going to ruin the rep of any keeper but he cant be held responsible for the shite we played last season. I wasn't best pleased at him for acting like he was bigger than the manager but Hartley had proved himself to be a cock so we don't know exactly what happened and why but I think theres been more to it than just Bain wanting away. + Shows from the difference in him this season already that Hartley was part of his issue so I still think he'll get back close to his best this season & we'll hopefully get him signed up for longer or sold for a decent chunk of change. Edit to add & like Rossdee says I doubt he'll be short of offers if he does go at the end of the season
  16. Criticism is fair enough as everybody is entitled to an opinion (Randomguy, Throbbersaint and fife arab excluded obvs) but taking it to the level of abuse they do is well out of order like - I'd definitely not be pleased if the same fuckers kept coming back and doing it week after week anyway!
  17. One of my mates says that looks a lot like Wolters brother in law... He says his names Jordi or something but he's not too sure
  18. It really does, but it was designed with that in mind - there is still demand for a larger venue supposedly but I'm not sure if thats all that accurate either!
  19. Here's hoping anyway - I'd assume he'd have plenty of contacts but just depends if any of them are any good!
  20. Sorry gents wasn't actually really about the fermers finances, more just taking the piss out of fannybaws for spouting shite - I'm off to bed now I've had my fun so he should hopefully f**k off now!
  21. Yawn, thank you for finally answering a question but I'm fairly sure that goes against what you were saying yourself earlier - I really can't be arsed trawling through the pages of your drivel again but hopefully Spud will be better placed to come back to you on that since that conversation was between you two.
  22. My apologies then but you deflect questions like a true blue fanny. Perhaps you'd care to elucidate us imbeciles on what PwC would say, since you've been so assertive that you knew the answer to Spuds questions?
  23. Wow, are a feckin tory too by any chance? Just you answer questions like Theresa May...
  24. Pmsl, as a former sole trader (freelance designer) for a number of years myself, I'm intrigued to hear this masterclass in tax legislation. Doubt it'll do me much good in my business life but then again I doubt anything he says will make any sense anyway!
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