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Everything posted by locheedee

  1. I thought we should've anyway - I thought he actually looked like he was starting to support us! Think he keeps us next time tho...
  2. Yeah hence my underlying suspicion of anything happening at Dens - its bad enough in the Derry so just think how much fucked up stuff the directors can get up to!
  3. Damn hadn't thought about that - its Dundee so I'll fully expect to see the FBI helicopters flying in anytime soon then... Just as long as they don't find out about the ching processing plant going in under the new super Derry tho
  4. The way I see it is they are investors in business and property along with being a bit crazy rich (& like to have a pet project too) I think the link to us is just a decent bit of blagging by Colvin back in the day to some soccer daft folks to get us some money men on the board (since he was it back then really!) but now they're combining the two to give the club improved facilities for at least no extra outlay on what we've got at Dens and supporting the costs by including a business/leisure park to help pay for it... Doesn't seem that sinister to me (I can't figure out how its going to bite us anyway) and it technically should only bring positives - even if we don't officially own the place... Just the ramblings of my mind tho I'm not all that itk! Thank you.
  5. Away n f**k yerself ya throbber - your just a shite version of RandomGuy, Tibbermoresaint or old man Danger and can't stay away from the big teams thread. Off ya pop to finger Brogan in yer shitey wee shed (if she'll let you join the queue)
  6. Yeah that or the argentina style strip should be bankers for the away/third kit really but I guess its more down to what the kit makers offer than anything else...
  7. Do you really need to post your favourite masturbatory aids on our thread? Now like Girth said, f**k off!
  8. Eddie was what he was, but he was a great player for us when he came in - not a patch on Holt or Forsyths ball skills but an important player for us at the time all the same
  9. ^ this - just thought he needed game time myself but Harry might be right and he's needing to snap some wee fud (no complaints with that really!)
  10. Now that sounds like some dodgy amateur cosplay shite
  11. Yeah, I have to admit I'm of an age I liked the cartoon - but wow, fk me if thats the best he's come up with during his time away then I can't help but cringe...
  12. Haha fair do's man, just thought we might've been able to tap into the P&B Dees own scouting network but I'm guessing we'll find out what he's like soon enough! I'm hoping he'll come good too tho, if he's as switched on as the quote earlier says he is then I'm hoping he should thrive on the delivery he should get from Deacon, Allan and the rest... Thank you
  13. A shitload of ket, topped off with 8 ecto's and some ching by the look of it
  14. Pmsl, Aberdeen have just got a guy in from Rotherham on loan... I'm wondering if it was this guy we nearly got in?
  15. Nearly GMan - Hateleys departure has probably just edged us signing Waddell and Leitch-Smith combined!
  16. Yaaaaaaaasssssssss - I'm doing a happy dance to that one!
  17. We can but hope - I heard earlier that Williams was maybe on his way but I've got the fear thats the deal thats fallen through stopping the rotherham move. Think someone could convince some chinese club to invest in a famous football name like Hateley...
  18. Don't suppose you'll have seen Leitch-Smith since you're down that way Girth?
  19. Either way if we do get another they'll be out of contract so I'm thinking the 2nd one will be another u20 like Dick Tingling (or mebbee Aucho at a push if McCanns got the budget?)
  20. Pmsl, he needs a better pic on his Wiki page anyway - c#nt looks like he's aff his puss!
  21. Nae idea but he's at least a striker! Get him up top playing off Smudger Thank you
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