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Everything posted by locheedee

  1. Ffs, it was like something off question of sport!
  2. Pmsl he'd do tbf, if he can bang in a goal or two anyway! Bloody phone...
  3. Me neither, guess we'll have to hope for a flurry of interest as the window closes
  4. My thoughts exactly man - theres still time for Dimitar to ride in on an elephant, smoking a cigar tho
  5. Feckin hope so like - ideally one or both are strikers but I'm not holding out hope!
  6. Hi Holty, hiya pal! Thats almost not a bad shout, I think Rossdee said about him playing as a left mid in front of 'Jon' but fk it its not like we've got many other options fit!
  7. Edit coz I'm a tool he's Basque (totally wrong country) so that's prob a bit like saying one of us was English...
  8. Hahaha, true manny I wasn't thinking about that - I think I've changed my mind!
  9. the Tele has a story about last nights trialist btw - he plays with bonnet-johnston tho so for that alone I'm out! https://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/fp/dundee-play-ex-burnley-attacker-richar-rj-pingling-trialist-wee-derby-win-over-united/amp/
  10. He's got nothing on Gowser imho either - that strike in the last round of the cup was a thing of beauty (against a diddy team admittedly but still)
  11. Bit harsh on your wouldn't actively move on list for me, Gowser gets to stay just for his energy and passion, Allan has a wand of a foot and I think will be our Harkins this season + Moussa didn't really get a chance to do much yet so I'd give him another go once he's fit. I'd add El Bak, Gadz, Wighton (I know but he is the dab slayer) and O'Dea to Haber in my version of the wouldn't actively punt category. I also think Randy will come good if he gets some game time, he looked a lot better when he came in than he has the last few substitute appearances
  12. amorebieta are saying he's signed anyway but I think you could be on to a decent shout since holts prob better going forwards anyway but can obvs give decent cover as he knows the position... Feck knows tho, but like Spud says we are getting a bit ott on defenders (are defenders McCanns totsy midfielders?)
  13. Lol, after you saying it last night I actually had to take a double take when I saw Reuben's pic this morning since he looks a fair bit like Costa! Supposedly Biggie but with a name like that give it a few days...
  14. Ach well, I'm guessing one of their's must be from all the rumours but I guess we'll find out eventually...
  15. They were being sneaky coz we've apparently got one of their strikers in on trial! An absolute beast of a lad - Reuben Noble-Lazarus https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reuben_Noble-Lazarus
  16. Pmsl could be a first like - wonder if he'll get his old buddies Dixon & Robertson along too (he'd just need goodwillie too for maximum hatred!)
  17. Nice move from the wee man, get him in to Dens to help with the 'scouting' - now if he could just chat up some wealthy owner about signing a certain midfield maestro/dead-ball specialist and 'exceptional' winger we might have surplus to requirements...
  18. Haha he is really just a stroppier version of Ciftci - does know where the net is I suppose...
  19. Nah, he's a big bawbag - nae danger he'd cope with a shite Scottish winter Pmsl, awwwh Jimmy ya daft fud!
  20. Big carthorse thats about 6th choice at Aberdeen - scored a few important scrappy goals but made famous for breaking Teirneys puss with his elbow... He could do a job as our Haber/Moussa replacement but he's just a big bruiser really. Was he not supposedly signing for someone down south again tho? Ahh yeah Exeter apparently!
  21. Think they could do it in one piece so we can all get a seat for the move? Love that idea though, it'd be a great way to keep a big chunk of our 'recent' history (I remember when they were new too) - 18 years on though they might be a bit fooked by now...
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