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Everything posted by locheedee

  1. I was one of the vaguely itk folks coz of where I work but as far as I know it's still going through planning - there is a lot more negotiation still to go unfortunately (not entirely the clubs fault but it was spun as being a lot more concrete than it really was I think) so I'd expect it to be a wee while yet before the finalised plans come out. Sorry I've not got anything more than that but it is being dealt with professionally for a change - as far as I know anyway.
  2. I totally agree - I've been saying to my mates for a while that we're not as bad as our results have us looking... We do have a fair few donkeys in the squad but I honestly think if we had even one half decent striker (nothing amazing but could find the net when clear on goal) then we'd be far closer to top six than relegation. Doesn't mean fk all now but hopefully if we stay up we can find a half decent striker this summer and push on next season. Thank you
  3. Doesn't work - you're not Darren Jackson (or NDD)
  4. Maybe not a 2 mil performance tonight but he could've just helped get us a vital point in staying up tonight
  5. That's my thinking anyway - we're definitely not rich enough to knock back that kind of cash. Caulker came to us to get away from the spotlight and sort himself out so I doubt he'd be ready to jump to a champions league level team so soon.
  6. His post is still appearing in other people's quotes... Edit - actually just seems to be Tynieness that's still showing it, I guess to make the point. Totally deserved it, if he is tho - NDD deserved his so Happy***s hypocrisy after jumping all over the first offence makes it even more stupid that he'd do the same
  7. See the Sun are saying big Stevie Caulker would be up for switching to play for Scotland Shame McCleish will still pick some useless *** c*nt instead...
  8. I'm pretty sure O'Hara is needing a bit of training to help him learn his position - he's not long been shifted out of defence and asked to play a totally different role under Hartley, before McCann has come in and got the team playing a totally different way again. Don't deny his forms dipped since the pre-contract stuff but I think that's happened across the team at times recently and suspect they might be scared of making mistakes since they've played well at times but still lost the games and suffered the wrath of the home support for it... I might be wrong and it might be McCann's tactics but I think it's got as much to do with them panicking about the league position and the boo boys starting to get on their backs so they 'play safe' and end up making it worse Just my thoughts for what little they're worth + Edit to add - sorry Gman but I have to disagree, we dropped Gowser earlier in the season and the team lost any drive (& nearly every game) til he was back in the team again. Might be coincidence but I think he's seriously underrated by some of our supporters...
  9. I'd agree but might be a bit much to ask him to take on if he's still trying to get his shit together - Gowser for me, plays most games this season and bleeds dark blue
  10. This for me with Waddell in for the General as back up is my ideal defence - worked well enough with Hendry in place of Caulker anyway! Fk knows who I'd play up top tho - I'd keep Moussa if we could just bring him on for penalties but El Baks too greedy and can't score unless hes 30 yards out and doesn't get long enough to think about it and Haber is a lazy wage thief that's either so injured he needs to retire or just can't be fkd anymore. AJ is good but is too small and too slow & feck knows if Murray will make a difference but I feel he's a bit of a Boyle (all running and no final touch) so I can't help but think we'll need Henvey, Wighton or the new lad Cedwyn to step up.
  11. Just what I was away to post - was away to find the quote about him not being on anywhere near what people expect coz he just wants to play when you posted...
  12. This for me like, no idea how holt ever ever got back in the team tbf but O'Dea getting a game again has coincided with us leaking goals and we haven't really got any other options but keeping playing El Bak then Moussa is killing us... on the flip side tho he's talked Caulker, Deacon, Kamara and Hendry into signing for us so McCanns not all shite
  13. I'm guessing Boyle and McPake must be in the frame for them anyway since we didn't let Falkirk speak to them + providing he didn't unsettle things too much Ian Murray would be a cracking addition tho
  14. + On the back of Vince getting a shout I always had a bit of a soft spot for Chic Charnley too
  15. Nemsadze still wins it for me but Ketsbaia is another definite stand out.
  16. I didn't stop to read it - it was just on the board on the side of the guys bucky but I did wonder how that was going to work (& who had decided it, given we still don't know if Strachan will be in charge) Eta, seems like it's a bit of a non story coz the only story I could find online is one with Parish saying Bain should get a call up... https://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/fp/scott-bain-must-closing-scotland-recall-says-dundee-back-keeper-elliott-parish/
  17. Tele headline saying Bain's getting another Scotland call up
  18. Yeah I didn't expect him to have such an impact but the youngsters are doing great under him so like you say it'd be a big loss
  19. + in other non fitba news Jordan Piggot is going out with that Jane Park the youngest lottery winner - she's pretty nuts from whats been in the press about her but she's pretty tidy too so well done that lad anyway!
  20. See the papers are reporting that Hartley is after Boyle and McPake as part of his coaching staff at Falkirk
  21. ^ this - I was admittedly a bit dismissive of Gowser at the start of the season but we've clearly missed his energy when he's not been playing (& I think that's who McCann's moulding Spence into so I think McCann loves him a bit too)
  22. Now I'm sure Hartley said a few times we had a top notch defence - he just didn't have a clue what that meant apparently coz we had the usual mix of shite at the time, we'd just maybe managed to not make a complete c**t of it that week + Gutted for Gadz tho - the relegator should have def got a better chance than he has!
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