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Everything posted by locheedee

  1. I'd not be surprised if he's one of the next to get loaned out/released tbh since he's not played in any of the pre-season games... You only get him if you promise to finally beat those dayglo fuds though!
  2. I spotted this pic that our own Mr Young had taken yesterday and it looks like Gowser on the far left of the picture. Doesn't explain why he wasn't in the Brechin squad but hope that means he's not injured
  3. No worries man, was curious myself when I saw the shirts
  4. Moore, Anderson (both u20 midfielders) and the Trialist I think
  5. Callum Moore - 18 yr old midfielder apparently... No idea other than that tho! Edit to add, he's an u20 so doesn't even have a wiki page but the name search came back with him being an unused sub against Partick in the last game...
  6. Fk that, if Novo is voted top there will have been plenty Dee votes for the wee badge kissing w**k
  7. Fk knows, just some wee bellend from the league below - think one of the boys has pumped his missus/mum though coz he's on the dabs thread spouting shite about us there too
  8. Hahaha, glad to see you're not bothered! Fwiw, I'm not sure County, Morten, ICT, Falkirk or the rest are all the worried about Shambles latest experiment. Unlike you chaps and your 'title' challenge, I'm optimistic we'll build on last season - no thoughts about winning the league yet but we're at least in with a shout at top 6...
  9. Too early to say this season but whatever happens at least we're not as shite as you Day-Glo fuds. Pleasing.
  10. Decent wee update from McCann on the site now - nothing new but good to get it from the man himself https://dundeefc.co.uk/news/neil-mccann-video-interview-2/
  11. Great news, seriously hoping he can either kick on at a loan club or make the most of his chances in the first team this year
  12. There's about 2/3's of them would make me cry if I were you... the rest are only not as distressing coz I don't know how bad they are yet
  13. Was reported as being charged but that was just in the Tele and Courier so as much chance of being shite as actual fact!
  14. Great news if Henvey has, I'm hoping him and Scott will get a decent chance in the first team this year + Hope Curran signs too but he's maybe thinking he might get better chances elsewhere... Hope not tho coz he'd definitely be good cover
  15. Damn I like the look of that team too - get the Moose scoring or swap him for someone who can and that team could be very useful
  16. Fair shout tbf, it's total Champ Manager stuff but looking at the squad it's good to see we've got as many options as we do - the only obvs huge weak spot is a decent striker and cover/competition for Cammy & Ralph
  17. Any thoughts on the team/formation for next season - so far going from who we've signed I'm thinking the team looks like being either a 4-4-1-1 or a or a 3-5-1-1... Parish/Hamilton Kerr, Meekings*, Caulker*, Ralph Deacon, Gowser*, Kamara*, Elton Wighton Moussa* Or Parish/Hamilton Meekings, Caulker, Kusunga Deacon, Gowser*, Kamara*, Karl*, Elton* Wighton Moussa* * = Either new players or swap for existing squad (inc new guys)
  18. McCann must rate him if we've been tracking him for as long so I'm hoping he's the quality left back we've been looking for! Edit to add - here's his YouTube clip https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ngiThE68XmE&t=2s#
  19. Pmsl, I hope we are anyway coz the idea of us spending money on players still gives me the fear!
  20. It's 'only' 100k apparently but him not wanting to move is definitely a stumbling block + there's a few English clubs been showing interest too so I'm doubting he'll come tbh
  21. Would indicate that there is already a replacement lined up. Thats what I've been thinking/hoping since we announced them both going, was just starting to doubt there was a plan after so long without anyone being announced but he sounds like a good replacement to me anyway
  22. It'd probably be a good move for him tbh coz his first team chances will surely be limited behind the two French lads & Spence + Kamara & Gowser (if they're still with us) but after watching the meet the manager interview I'd imagine any loans won't happen til McCann has seen them in pre season. One player you guys should def be after if he's still in the country is Kosta. Decent solid defender who did a good job for us most times he played til he fell out of favour and didn't play last season. Didn't get much chance under McCann and was loaned out but is a stylish, coffee shop loving chap whose goal helped relegate the dabs
  23. Hahaha, the standard of the Dabs comebacks is going in the same direction as your club - yup we've not won much but since you won a cup and came third eight years ago your now finishing 3rd in the league below and looking to sign a whole new team of dross... & I thought it was us that was living in the past?
  24. Quoting shite from the sun and having a historic crowdwank, yeah you guys are really holding the high ground
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