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Everything posted by locheedee

  1. Didn't say he'd be any good, I'd imagine he'd have scored at least a few of the chances the Moose has missed tho
  2. Maynard ex Aberdeen is currently free - no idea if he'd be that good but he's available Eta - not going to happen but transfermarkt says so is Berbatov
  3. Do we still have a coach for the strikers or does McCann do that too? I know it was Wallace a while ago but I'm assuming he's retired now...
  4. Same here, Kamara is more influential I think. I'm looking forward to seeing him play with Kharl and Elton - hopefully should be a decent midfield. Caulker is an awesome player but I'd assume McCann could pick up another solid defender quicker than a quality midfielder* (or striker). * other than the two I've just mentioned...
  5. Riccardo Calder and his tweets... Haha, I didn't realise he was a god botherer - hopefully Jones is more Sara than Calder then!
  6. I'm always suspicious of the 'born again' types myself but the last overtly religious player we had was Sara and he worked out OK!
  7. I'd give Quitongo a swerve with his injury issues. Any 2 out of the the other 3 though and we could be pretty decent.
  8. I can't work it out either - must be coz he signed him & told us he'd be a hero I think. I thought he'd realised he wasn't good enough last season when he started dropping him but McCann has to see his misses are costing us games now if he didn't before.
  9. This for me^^^ I thought we were a striker away from being ok last season, but we're definitely much better with the new guys. McCann just needs to find a decent striker now...
  10. Edit to add - was just meaning our team but I guess they might still appear in your top twenty
  11. For all he was a gigantic c**t of person, he was a reasonable striker for us til he fucked off - would be a front runner with Novo and Hateley in a list of most hated players
  12. Jesus we've signed some pish - those names are giving me horrible flashbacks...
  13. Haha, I don't remember him but I've heard enough people cursing him to give him a place on the list!
  14. I'll chuck in Jarni Sturm & Jan Zemlik off the top of my head
  15. Christ, you had to bring up Steven fucking Doris... He's another one for the worst striker we've signed list - still not probably the worst but he was dire!
  16. At best you'd get the 100k in a suspicious briefcase, that you'd have to check wasn't 90k worth of newspaper or more likely it'd be a check so rubbery it'd bounce back to South Africa.
  17. Haha, I'd love to see him back but I think the Bain/McCann stuff will see him go elsewhere tbh... Just thinking of a potential team with Stewart, Ngwatala, Madianga and Kamara has got me drooling tho There should be a fair few other guys looking for clubs even if Greg doesn't come home - think Ludo mentioned us trying to get that Demetri Mitchell in, so I'm hoping that means we're after two or three quality players
  18. I'm hoping we'll see some movement now the window is closed down south. Hopefully should mean managers will know their team and be able to loan out/sell off guys that won't feature...
  19. Apparently Trabzonpor have contacted the club about Caulker according to the Scotsman but I'd imagine that will run for a wee while yet if it's a realistic offer.
  20. He'd be carried through the street's if he rocked up to play for us!
  21. Ahh fair do's, didn't realise he'd been signed up - still don't think we'll rely on O'Dea and Jeffries as our only cover tho
  22. I'd imagine if Caulker goes McCann would go back in for that CH he was after in pre season. Can't see O'Dea getting much game time unless we're desperate tho tbh coz he was woefully short on pace last season so he's only going to have got slower... Just the thought of him and Hamilton playing together gives me the fear!
  23. Fair play for doing the digging. Might be he is a total unknown & that's why he is just going in the development squad. Total guesswork obviously, based on nothing more than him not having a blurb online or a YouTube clip!
  24. I'm hoping there's more to come anyway but there's no rumours going about so that's either good and we'll announce someone soon or we can't find anyone and it maybe is time to dust off the Cobra's boots and give Cabby a call!
  25. Heard he was apparently ripping it up in his trial games but wondered what had happened since we'd not heard anything about him. The guy that told me about him being in on trial thought he was to go in the first team so he's maybe just not quite ready or his info was a bit off.
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