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Everything posted by locheedee

  1. The wee Dee are 4-0 up against the baby Rangers... Moussa, Mendy, Ngwatala and Scott all scored so far
  2. Only if it's to punch McCann in the puss til he see's some sense
  3. Cammy was superb against Cadden in the last game. Limited him to nothing with Motherwell creating nothing and then Parish threw one into his ney I'd be happy to see him at RB Harry, but can't help but worry he will be targeted as being out of position. & If we insist on playing the narrow diamond in midfield he won't even be able to get any support from the player in front of him... Am I right in thinking we don't actually have a single left sided player on the park today?
  4. DFC twitter saying Kamara and Ralph are both out injured apparently. I'd still rather we put Calvin out on the left rather than hang Cammy out to dry again playing out of position.
  5. I'm sure it will be - still doesn't change the fact it's a pathetic thing to do about a comment wishing a guy with mental health issues well.
  6. ^This^ Can't believe some sad b*****d has red dotted it tho - some pathetic fuds just can't help but show their lack of class I guess
  7. We know - just like you love your animal husbandry and your massey fergusons
  8. Just been announced as resigning with the Fermers along with Callachan
  9. Just the 6 including O'Dea by my reckoning... Assume him or Caulker will be off before midnight
  10. They're taking the piss now tbf - just announce the fucker already!
  11. I'm hoping for a swap deal + cash - we give them Moussa, Henvey or Scott so they can still screw the DABs and we get Shankland to partner Miller and get us up the table
  12. Don't have any ITK info on access yet through my work but as far as I know I can only see the 'roundabout' being an extra access off the new swallow roundabout that's going in as part of the Western Gateway... Can't see them putting in another one in between whats already there anyway but I'll ask about and see what I can find out though.
  13. Was our main back up c/h - still young but should be a decent player. Would suggest we're bringing in the guy Inniss or another defender tho or we're down to just O'Dea, Meekings, Gense and Caulker... & Have heard we're definitely in negotiations with Ayr - 2 bids knocked back already but we're just arguing over how much and sell ons
  14. You'd think our Palace connection through Speroni would mean it'd probably be us too
  15. I thought we only paid 50-100k for Hamilton didn't we? Still absolutely mental that we did, but them paying 250k for Wighton is about as bad.
  16. I've never wanted McBookie to be right as much before. Miller's apparently 6/4 to get the Falkirk job so I hope the Sun story is just a bit of PR spin to get them or St Mirren to sign on the dotted line.
  17. I'm hoping coz they're 'mates' he might listen a bit more but McCann doesn't seem exactly have a track record of listening to anyone & neither does Miller so I can't see this going well
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