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Everything posted by locheedee

  1. Coz he's a fud. + Unfortunately everyone can see it but him, including the opposition...
  2. It wasn't anything to do with Bosman. The Marrs somewhat hilariously believed they could bring in a load of journeymen then punt them for a profit to the English Lower League teams who were swimming in cash from the ITV Digital deal. This collapsed and fucked the "strategy" which was utter nonsense in the first place, especially when Jocky had us relatively stable as a mid-lower SPL side, playing effective if less than attractive football. Knew the strategy was based on punting on random players for profit but don't realise it was the itv deal collapse that caught them out and got it in my head it was the law change around contracts. Some of the players were amazing to have at Dens but given the shit we've been through since, I wonder how things would have gone if we'd stuck with Jocky... The strategy sounds remarkably similar to Ogrens. Would be a real shame if they went the same way only because of overpaying dross like McNulty rather than Cannigia.
  3. I will concede that point, I was young at the time so have obvs got my facts wrong with the 'Bosnian' ruling. I'll even let your double typo slide coz I'm feeling generous and your obvs hurting enough. The rest of what I've said has currently been covered widely in a number of media sources though, including interviews with your own owner and chairman so doubt it if you like but it's readily available to you if you care to look.
  4. Was my thought too - must have found a crusty one in ST's sex dungeon
  5. With the books only going up to the 30th of June they wont even include the bulk of the covid impact from this season either. + With Ogren saying this years is going to be bad it means they are probably looking forward to at least two more bad years accounts now...
  6. He seems to think it is anyway from his interviews. It might even be plausible if you have a conveyor belt of talent to sell - but relying on young players to not just move for free all while burning through large wedges of cash on over priced 'stars' sounds very like Peter and Jimmy's strategy (& they at least had the excuse of not expecting the Bosman ruling...)
  7. Hahaha, is that the best you've got. That's a defense almost as good as Connelly and Reynolds. We chose to take an approach that was fairest to the whole squad and with it came the risk we might lose our best player. If you are happy that your club is willing to shaft the majority of your clubs players to be able to pay McNulty, Fuchs and Bolton's full wages then I look forward to seeing how willing your 'academy graduates' and others are to sign new contracts having had their meagre wages cut to pay the 5k a week of some overpaid mercenaries... As for the last bit, you might think that is analogous but what I said was based on what has been widely reported already and what has been stated in regards to both our and other teams wage reductions. Yours is a spurious remark with no content. Thank you for trying though, but must try harder.
  8. How is it spin? It was quite well publicised at the time that we had made the deal to the whole team on the grounds of fairness as was our disappointment at losing Hemmings. Enjoy your delusions that the PFA will have nothing to say btw as seemingly they have already had contact from a number of your players...
  9. I obvs don't know how much say the PFA would have but I would imagine they'd be telling the players to tell your board to gtf if they was even the slightest hint of some getting let off with the deal. & Yeah we probably could have made an exception for Hemmings but rather than being 'happy to get rid of him' we chose to have enough class to offer the same terms to the whole team and didn't try to shaft any of our players to save players with resale value.
  10. So are you saying they will let some off without taking the deal? What's stopping them all just saying "nah I'll stay on my full pay thanks" then? I'd assume the PFA would have something to say about that if they aren't already about the fact your letting the loanees and new signings stay on full pay.
  11. Ach well, he's still not going for 2m and is more likely to get picked up by some championship or European club for 500k - if his agent doesn't use his raised profile to get a new deal elsewhere now
  12. Didn't realise his contract was up next year - he'll just sign a pre contract in January them and piss off for free (if he doesn't refuse the pay deal and walk now)
  13. Thing is how much do you think you can get for him even if he does get sold? I've seen some of your fans saying 2m for him but realistically do you think you'll get much more than 0.5m-1m to a championship club for him? + Given you lost 3m+ last year and being generous (since you guys are adamant it's not 133% wages to turnover anymore) say another 2m this year, even getting 2m for him still leaves you needing to sell Shankland for the 3m+ to balance the books... With Shankland not scoring at the moment then even if a club comes in for him in January is he likely to go for any more then 1 or 2m especially given clubs will be trying to get your players on the cheap now they know you're skint.
  14. Might work if they can avoid the old firm or teams down south pinching their academy players for pennies, players not signing new contracts and walking for free or going bust paying McNulty, Fuchs, Edwards, Shankland and fk knows who else 3k+ a week...
  15. Oooft... From the Tele's 5 questions article "The club’s annual accounts are due out soon – how will they look? Bad, according to the Tannadice chief. This time last year United posted a financial loss of over £3 million, with the club’s wage-to-turnover ratio hitting 133%. Yesterday Ogren said: “We’re definitely going to have another loss. It’s just a question of how big. “We haven’t finalised the books. We got hurt badly at the end of last year and it will be bad again.” But the 58-year-old hasn’t given up on eventually turning a profit in the City of Discovery and believes youth development is a crucial part of the business. He said: “It’s hard to make money and that’s why the academy is such a big part of our plan. It’s vital. “It will potentially be affected like every other area of the club – everything is on the table right now. “But we’re committed to our academy. “Investing in Scottish football isn’t a get rich quick scheme. There’s a risk involved and I was told many times that I should get my head examined. “I was told that if I wanted to make money this was not the way to do it. “It was a risk I was willing to accept because I had faith in our plan Confirmation that the accounts were bad last year and that the accounts will be 'bad' this time around too (presumably without the bulk of the impact of covid showing yet) & still thinking he can turn a profit....
  16. Your formation is also apparently 'fuched' since Pawlett and Butcher are maybe out injured now too
  17. Totally, Konrad was a decent player for us - like you say not the biggest but positionally good and could play a pass
  18. They are barely posting in their own thread so I suspect they've all slunk back off to kickback. Maybe they are boycotting P&B since they can't boycott the games?
  19. This is the same for me too unfortunately... We'll just have to score more than he let's in!
  20. If she does it as well as she handled the fight to avoid relegation then I fully expect Neilson to get a paint can to the face and your new CEO's hat to be set on fire...
  21. Even then it took him a few goes with United & without Shanklands goals they'd have probably struggled again last season too
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