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Everything posted by locheedee

  1. Good call KT I couldn't agree more - Hartley did better than most but like you say he got given a lot of slack and a hefty budget to buy his way out of trouble (esp in that last season) and still couldn't turn it round so it will be interesting to see how he gets on at Falkirk
  2. I've no doubt, its him that should get stung with the bill though & a boot in the plums for good measure too Thank you
  3. f**k manny, don't remind me - I'm dreading McCann falling in love with him and us having to shite ourselves for the five or 6 matches it'll take to get him punted again...
  4. + I had just popped on to say http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/41518029 hope the c**t gets made to pay for the door too... Thank you
  5. Yeah if he gets the time to play maybe but I can't remember if he was part of Hartley's back 3 revolution or if he was still out (I just remember Holt being pretty decent)
  6. Yeah, I think he might've had an easy ride til he got sussed as been a shitebag tbh + The touch of class and the bombscare - that's the 'continental' bit I was meaning - he always seems to need that bit too long on the ball but then panicked when he was under pressure. I don't remember him always being as shite in the air or at tackling at first either - he maybe was and he just looked better against what we had at the time but I wonder if he's just getting out muscled/intimidated these days? Eta. Either way I don't want to see him at CH for us anytime soon - McCann can experiment with him as a Kamara style sitting mid if he likes (in reserve games) but he gies me the fear in defence
  7. I noticed in one of his blurbs about Spanish Jon, he mentioned how well the two of them worked together & how impressed he was with Julen's skills... Maybe its been a language thing but I think its more he's too 'continental' to play as a CH in Scotland myself - he kind of reminds me of Biton but without as much skill
  8. On yerself Randy https://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/fp/dundee-star-randy-wolters-kilmarnock-bad-eaten-boots-wed-lost/
  9. Haha, no worries man I'd had a few when I replied to Ludo
  10. Yeah a barrowload is maybe pushing it given his form at Falkirk but if he was playing like he did when he first signed... & Lol, totally like - Faiss ain't no number 9!
  11. I kind of agree with you... I don't think he was ever that good but he was a huge improvement over what we'd had up til then. His workrate was immense but I think that was actually an issue in the end since he really should have been able to delegate scouting and the like to dedicated scouts and focus his energy on whats important for a manager. His choice of player was wildly hit or miss but his first few seasons he found a few gems but he also picked up utter shite like Phil Roberts and laterly Tom fucking Hateley... + His supposed stubborness/attitude issues were meant to be the reason for the obvious rift that appeared in the team which ultimately comes down to man management for me since we went from a good tight squad to having a group that all wanted away for whatever reasons (Bain, Stewart, Hemmings, McGinn and Loy) and our fan favourite Harkins forced out of the club...
  12. I still think he'd score a barrowload for us with (some of) the deliveries we're firing in this season
  13. Just think how happy Geoff and Steve would be if they could field zombies tho (and I'm not meaning MOH) - the tight fisted c***s wouldn't ever have to pay a signing fee again
  14. Ffs, yeah McCrorie had a good game on saturday but given he's had 1 first team appearance so far what are they basing their decision on? Other than the shitey shade of blue he's wearing obviously...
  15. I'd seriously hope they look at this anyway but especially if we are going to be getting a larger stadium - we should be actively trying to get more folks in any way we can and not just relying on the regulars to stump up more & more!
  16. Fair do's mate, I'm just basing it on the fact more of my mates kids are getting tickets to Dens than they seemed to (a few years back all you heard was that they were off to see the dabs coz they'd got freebies) but that could just be coz we're doing 'better' than them these days... Thank you
  17. Yeah man, think we've only got into it big time since Nelms etc came in but as far as I know primary schools and nursery/after school clubs get an allocation
  18. I'd like to see them think about practical ways of reducing capacity for the small matches - not sure if its even feasible but I was wondering if we couldn't do something like they do at the hydro and close sections off with screens? I'm guessing they're probably made of acoustics materials so they don't deaden the noise but fk knows for real and fk knows if they'd survive being outdoors either!
  19. Nah man, its staying I think - we just need another one coz like Spud says c***s keep dying
  20. Especially since we've got some awesome ground staff & presumably the scheduling and maintenance would be factored in to suit the fixture list
  21. Its not Stevie I'd expect to mind tho - he's a businessman so he'll rightly want us bringing a good support like you say, there's a fair few of your hills have eyes supporters that might not be as objective! As for the stadium, I get they want the extra seats for both concerts and the big matches (Dabs, Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs, Celtic and Sevco) but as I said I hope they are looking at ways of making the ground work when the wee teams come too... Does seem like they are but we'll see what the final plans end up like I guess
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