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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Able to step up to the top half of the top flight? Now seems to be confirmed we've offered him a contract.
  2. WAP rumour we have offered Liam Polworth a contract now confirmed. Asked about him on their thread last night but there doesn't seem many of their fans left on here, can apparently play well as a "10" or further back, but is useless on the wing. A, sort of, description of him.. http://nareystoepoker.blogspot.com/2018/12/in-defence-of-liam-polworth.html?m=1
  3. Steve Clarke's a miracle worker seemingly, so I can't imagine losing a player will harm Kilmarnock at all. He's so good he'll just turn Dom Thomas into the new Stewart.
  4. With the greatest respect, if be surprised if you could afford him. He's apparently earning in the region of £2k a week. His contract expires in 6 months, and you get the impression he'll happily sit on that contract as he knows his next one won't be near it. We want his wage completely gone, so a loan deal where you pay a small percentage is unlikely.
  5. Just for the sake of furthering this. We now have an example. Jimmy Dunne played for Hearts, his loan ended, he returned to play an U23 game for Burnley, and he's now joined Sunderland.
  6. We're apparently interested in Liam Polworth. Does he play as a "10" or can he play further back?
  7. I say I'm surprised McLean got as big a club as Linfield, but say I don't know the standard of that league. You laugh at me. I clarify my point. You laugh at me. I clarify my point. You get confused. There's an overview of tonight's shitposting.
  8. I said I had zero clue about their players or the standard of the league, not about the club itself. I'm well aware about the fact they're probably the biggest team in that Country, thanks to debunking some of the laughable "most successful club in the world" claims from Rangers fans on here.
  9. RandomGuy.

    FIFA 19

    Keanes been dreadful every time I've played against him, seems really slow and easy to beat, maybe just the folk using him being useless though. Sure Scholes obliterated me once, can just remember screamers.
  10. McNamara is hired by an agency now, you'll be getting any dross he can persuade to head your way, and he'll be expecting a cut if they're ever sold. It's likely a really shite version of Wolves link up with Jorge Mendes.
  11. Because Linfield, from what I know of them, are a bigger club than Albion Rovers or Edinburgh City. Put it this way, I didn't expect him to get a top flight club going for a domestic treble.
  12. Absolutely zero clue about how Linfield set up/what players they have, or what level the league is, but based of the name of the club it feels like a better move than I expected. If he can't make an impression there, though, then you'd imagine he'll struggle to ever make it with us.
  13. Can only assume this'll be quoted plenty come June when Ayr are a division above the "mighty" United.
  14. Signs up for multi club forum. Moans with fans of other clubs post. Either that or this is just your latest account.
  15. I'm not on about not being able to literally afford it, more than you can't have expensive passengers when you're trying to rebuild a squad to avoid relegation.
  16. Yes, I also wanted Nick Dasovic as Saints manager ahead of Tommy Wright once upon a time. I like what I saw of Tansey at ICT, and would've liked him at Saints as we could afford to gamble on him being injury prone. Davies looked finished at County, Dundee can't afford to pay a decent wage, for 18 months, for someone who's struggling to play more than five games in a row.
  17. Have I said he is? I said Tansey would be a decent signing for them if he could stay fit, Davies looked finished years ago.
  18. Sorry, McIntyre now has "players he trusts", the same players who seen him sacked, then County relegated.
  19. RandomGuy.

    FIFA 19

    Had him for a while, but preferred Icardi, got my heart set on Martinez though, perfect player to bring on late to rag doll folk about.
  20. I don't think it matters if he's arsed or not, as he'll hardly ever be on the pitch. McIntyre successfully got his wee clique back from County, have fun when they clash with O'Dea and McGowan.
  21. We could afford to gamble, Dundee can't. You've just given an extremely injury prone 34yo an 18 month contract, a player who's been the highest earner at both County and Hartlepool.
  22. 18 month deal In the last 18 month's he's played 12 full 90 minutes, his longest run in a row was 5 games.
  23. RandomGuy.

    FIFA 19

    Took the coins rewards and get myself Mertens, hopefully be effective behind Icardi. Could have got Higuain but holding off for this swaps Martinez instead.
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